HCA 13/73 f.775r Annotate

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HCA 13/73 f.775r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window




The sixth day of July 1661,/ [CENTRE HEADING]

Weaver and others against the Osama}
and goods and against Coppus}
and others: Smith Budd}

Examined upon Mr Smiths Allegation./

Rp. jus.

David Mortimer borne at [?fflimmington] in the
County of Angus in Scotland but lodging
at Present next to the Signe of the Duke of
Yorke in Kings Streete Weestminster Gentleman aged
32 or thereabouts sworne and Examined saith
as followeth

To the first 2d 3d and 4th articles of the said Allegation hee saith that the peace
betwixt Sweden Denmarke and the States of Holland was
not fully concluded and compleated untill the seaventh and
twentieth day of May One thousand six hundred and sixty or thereabouts
which time and not before hee saith the said Peace was Proclaimed
both at Copenhagen and [?Kenke] in Zealand and other Places thereabouts
Which hee knoweth for that this deponent was then Leiutenant of a
ffoote Company at [?Kenke] aforesaid in the service of the King of
Sweden and heard the said Peace there Proclaimed And saith
that untill about foure Dayes before the said Proclamation
the Swedes and their forces did use all hostile Actions that they
could against the Dutch and the Danes, And the Dutch and
Danes did the like to the Swedes, And of this deponents Knowledge
the holland ships in the Sound before Copenhagen did seize
and surprize severall ships and Goods belonging to the Queene of Sweden
in the moneth of Aprill 1660. and kept and detained
them under the said seizure untill the said Peace was
Proclaimed as aforesaid. And saith that a little before the
seizure of the said ships and goods there was a Treaty of Peaace
betweene the Swedish Ambassador and the State if
holland as this deponent was credibly informed, whereby there was a Cessation
of Hostile Actions for some space,