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Annotate HCA 13/73 Volume Page
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HCA 13/73 f.769r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window
The 14th of December 1669./
Touching the perishablenes}
of some Sugers brought}
hether in the William and John.}
William Sarsfeild of Wapping Mariner
Purser of the ship the William and John William
Goodlad master aged 21 yeeres or thereabouts
sworne before the right worshipfull James Master Doctor of Lawes
Surrogate to the right worshipfull Richard Zouche Doctor
of Lawes Judge of the high Court of the Admiralty
of England saith and deposeth by vertue of his Oath/
That in or about the beginning of August last past there was
a parcell of browne Sugar, amounting to about foure tonnes
brought to this Port of London in the said ship William and
John, which as hee understandeth, are condemned in this Court
for the ffreight due for the same; and saith the said Sugars
are now in the Custody of the said William Goodlad the master of
the said ship, and this deponent lately sawe the same, and saith
that the said Sugars are in a perishable Condition and doe
dayly Purge, and did some course be not spedily taken with
them they will be soone spoiled:
Wm: Sarsfield [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]
The nineteenth of december 1660.
Don Francisco de Morales de Saint Lucar in Regao Hispaniea