HCA 13/73 f.758r Annotate

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HCA 13/73 f.758r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The 25th of June 1660


Alexnder Kerr of Burrowstornesse in Scotland Sailer, aged
nineteene yeeres or thereabouts sworne before the right worshipfull Richard
Zouch doctor of Lawes Judge of the high Court of the Admiraltie
of Enland saith and deposeth.

That a warrant under the greate seale of this Court having the
figure of a shipp on the said seale, was brought to Mr John Mesurer a Merchant
of Gernesey about tenn weekes since for the arresting of a friggot named
the Charles of London commannded by Morgan Jones and a Holland prize laden with salt taken by the
said friggot