HCA 13/73 f.740r Annotate

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HCA 13/73 f.740r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The Nine and Twentieth day of [BLANK N MANUSCRIPT]

Touching the Black Spred}
Eagle of London}

Fredrick Ixem of London Notary Publique
aged 33 yeeres or thereabouts sworne before
the right worshipfull John Godolphin Doctor of Lawes one
of the Judges of the High Court of the Admiralty
of England saith and deposeth by vertue of
his Oath as followeth

That the bill of sale now shewed unto him this Deponent beibf
of the Tenor word for word as followeth videlicet To all
people to whom ths presente writing shall come or that the same
shall see, heare, or read, Christopher Norden of Amsterdam
merchant: now being in London sendeth Greeting Knowe yee, That
I the said Christopher Norden for a Consideration of the summe
of two hundred twenty five pounds of Lawfull money pf England
to mee in hand at and before the ensealing and delivery hereof well and
truely paid by John Dyson of London merchant the receipt whereof
I doe by these presents acknowledge and my selfe to be thereof
and therwith fully satisfyed and paid have granted bargained
sold assigned and set over, and by theise presents doe fully, freely, and
absolutely grant bargaine sell assigned and set over unto the said
John Dyson, Three full eight parts of all that good ship or vessell called
the Black Spread Eagle of London, of the burthen of two hundred
Tonns ir thereabouts now in the River of Thames, whereof Joachim
Crugher was and Peter Wilkens now is master. And three full eighth parts
of all and singular the masts, sailes, sayleyards, Anchors Cables
Ropes, Cords, boates oares, Gunns Gunnpowder shot tackle Apparrell
munition furniture and things whatsoever to the said ship belonging
or in any wise appertaining To have hold and enjoy the sayd
three Eighth parts of teh sayd shipp and all and singular the oremisses
afrementioned or intended to be hereby Bargained sold assigned
and set over and every parte and parcell thereof unto the said John
Dyson his Executors and assigneds to his and their owne uses and as
his and their owne proper goods and Chattells from henceforth freely
for ever