HCA 13/73 f.713v Annotate

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HCA 13/73 f.713v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The 6th of June 1659:

Mary of London}

Lawrence Benson of Wapping neere London
Mariner Master of the ship the Mary of London
aged 29 yeeres or thereabouts sworne
before the right Worshipfull John Godolphin Doctor of Lawes
one of the Judges of the High Court of the
Admiralty of England saith and deposeth by
vertue of his Oath:/:

Smith dt




The same day:

John Hutton of Tower Hill London Citizen
and Salter of London aged 49 yeeres or thereabouts
sworne before the said Judge, deposeth as followeth

That the ship the Mary of lOndon whereof Lawrence Benson
is Master doth belong to this Port of London: And that Henry Blackborowe
merchant of London and his wifes Mother, this Deponent, Benoni Hornwood of
London Woollen Draper, and Thomas ffreebody of London
Gentleman were and are the true and Lawfull owners of
all the said ship and her Appurtenances whatsoever belonginge
unto her namely...