HCA 13/73 f.693r Annotate

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This page is for the annotation of HCA 13/73 f.693r.

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HCA 13/73 f.693r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


Exhibited hee saith hee verily beleeveth the same to be the
reall bill of sale made by the said Mr Dela villette and
Mr Williamson to the said Robert Blackleech and to be
really and truely subscribed by the said dela Villette and
of the said 3d part of the said ship the said Blackleech at
Middleborowe. and did there heare the said Dela Villette
and Williamson severall times acknowledge and affirme
that they were satisfyed for the same; And saith that by
meanes of the foresaid seizure the said Robert Blackleech
was and is utterly deprived of his said third part of
the said ship willinge minde, and it is utterly lost unto
him without any manner of Satisfaction or recompence
for the same, and further cannot depose./:

Robert Blackleech [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The 17th of March 1658:/.[CENTRE HEADING]

On the behalfe of Mr}
Edward lewes of London}
Merchant touching the}
ship the Gray hound}
(John hubbard Master)}

[XX] jus

George Palmer of London Mariner aged 39
yeeres or thereabouts sworne before the right
worshipfull John Godolphin Doctor of Lawes and one of the
Judges of the high Court of Admiralty of England
saith and Deposeth by Vertue of his Oath./.

That hee this deponent well knoweth the ship the Grayhound
of London (whereof one John Hubbard ws Master) and saith
in the moneth of December last past as the said ship was
coming from Pharu (sic) in Portugall bound for this Port of
London, shee was met with off Scilly by two Ostend
men of warr, and by them taken and seized, together
with her Lading onboard her Consisting in figgs Oranges and
Lemans and [?GaXXes], and saith. that hee this deponent (who was
Mate of the said Ship Grayhound at the time of her seizure.) was
taken out of the said ship, by the said Seizors and Put into
one of the said Ostend men of warr; and upon his Paroll
was afterwards by the said Seizors put aboard a Dutch ship
at sea, and Caried in her to Bourdeaux, and afterwards
came thence to England, and saith that the said two Ostend
men of warr sent the said ship Grayhound for Ostend
and as shee was ryding at an Anchor in Ostend Road, shee was by Storme, driven and forced from
her Anchor (as hee hath bin Credibly Informed)
and was forced and driven (as hee hath bin likewise informed) to Dunborowe neere Middleborowe
and at the time of such her forcing from her said Anchor
, there were onely two men and a boy. of her
owne Company on board her, namely Charles Andrewes
Boatswaine, John ffisher Carpenter, of the said ship, and
Joseph Hart the Cabbin boy of the said ship: And further deposeth not