HCA 13/73 f.674v Annotate

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HCA 13/73 f.674v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


22nd Decembris 1660./

Sup Allone ex parte dict Coppens et [?SXX]
dat Examinatus./


Johannes Ludright de Amsterdam
Chyrurgius, annos agens 22 aut eo
circiter testis in hac causa productis et
juratus,dicit et deponit prout sequitur

Ad 1uma rlum dicta Allegaonis deponit et dicit that hee
Knoweth the arlate Simon Jacob Coppens by sight
And saith that he the said Coppens and Company
were for the time arlate and are Commonly accounted
and reputed Owners and Proprietors of the arlate
ship the Osana, and of her tackle apparrell and
furniture, and that they were the said time in quite and peaceable possession
by the master and company that sailed her.

Ad 2um dicit that in or about the moneth of ffebruary last
was twelve month the said ship the Osanna under Command
of the arlate Evert Cornelison (who was constituted
master of her by the said Coppens and Company) sailed
from Amsterdam on a Merchandizing Voage for
Saint Christophers and other places of he West Indies and
arrived at Saint Christophers about seaven weekes after where
and other places thereabouts shee received and tooke in her lading of Indico, Sugar [?Topbaccoe]
and some Lignum Vitae, All which were to bee brought to Amsterdam
in the said ship, And there to be delivered to the said [?XX]
Jacob Coppen to the use of himselfe and
to whom they belonged which persons to whom they
were some English and some french and the rest dutch and noe part
of the said Lading belonged to any Spaniards or Subjects
of the King of Spaine, All which hee knoweth for that
hee this deponent went out from Amsterdam Chyrurgion of
the said ship, and sawe the lading of the said goods and
heard that they belonged to such persons as aforesaid
And further [?XXX]

Ad 4um dicit that after the Premisses amely in or about sommer
last the said ship with her Lading set saile an departed from
Saint Christophers for Amsterdam, and meeting with a [?XXX]
storme in the Spanish seasby meanes of which shee became
Leaky and that to stopp her said Leakinesse, and to get [?provisions]
which shee wanted the said Evert Cornelison and Company
put or rather were foced with her into Saint Merrick in Ireland where they came unto
Anchor in the Harbour there, where the said ship [?XX]