HCA 13/73 f.671r Annotate

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HCA 13/73 f.671r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window



18th December 1660: [CENTRE HEADING]

Johannes ffreeman con the}
King of ffrance praed.}

Rp. 3us.

Robertus Hooker de Ratcliffe
Ropemaker annos agens 40 aut [?do] ci[XX]ter
testis in [?hac] causa productus et Juratus
decit et deponit Per ut Seq[?er] videlicet./:

To the 6th. article of the said Allegation hee saith and deposeth
that hee this Deponent in the moneth of Aprill 1659: bought about
sixty three hundred weight of Pashempe of his Precontest
Mr Robert Brooke of London Merchant, and paid
him the summe of six and twenty shillings and three
pence per hundred for the same and the month of July follow
=ing this deponent alsoe bought, about twelve hundred weight
of ryne hempe of the said Mr Brooke, and paid
him thirty six shillings per hundred for the same And
the said Pashempe and Ryne hempe were the said
times very well worth the respective summes aforementioned
and those Prices were the lowest Prices that were then
given as hee verily beleeveth, And further saith that
in the said month of April 1659: this deponent alsoe bought
about seaventy hundred weight of Rynehempe of
one Robert Stevenson of London and paid thirty
seaven shillings and three pence per hundred for the
same, And one [XXX] [?Terrell] Ropemaker at the same time
bought alsoe a quantity of the said Rynehempe
of the said Robert Stevenson and paid alsoe 37. s 3. d
per hundred for it.

Sup reliquis non Examinature ex directionne

Robert Hooker [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The 19th of December 1660./ [CENTRE HEADING]

The Anne and Margaret}

vide A.11

Examined upon the foresaid Allegation:

Rp. (5us.

William Castell of Redriffe wall
in the parish of Saint Mary Magdalen Bermondsey
in the County of Surry Shipwright aged 31 yeeres
or thereabouts sworne, and Examined saith and
deposeth as followeth videlicet.




William Terrell, Ropemaker


Primary sources



C 5/484/23 Short title: Francis v Hooker.Plaintiffs: George Francis and others. Defendants: Robert Hooker, Anne Hooker, his wife, and others. Subject: personal estate of Michael Francis, deceased, of London. Document type: Two bills, two answers, inventory. 1668
C 5/501/42 Short title: Hooker v Arthur. Plaintiffs: Robert Hooker and another. Defendants: Charles Arthur and Thomas Sherloe. Subject: property in St Mary Magdalen, Bermondsey, Surrey. Document type: Bill, two answers. 1675


PROB 4/1759 Engrossed Inventories Exhibited from 1660. Terrell, William, of St Mary Magdalen, Bermondsey, Surrey, ropemaker 15 November 1673

PROB 11/342/428 Will of William Terrell, Ropemaker of Saint Mary Magdalen Bermondsey, Surrey 15 July 1673
PROB 11/362/442 Will of Elizabeth Terrell, Widow of Saint Mary Magdalene Bermondsey, Surrey 02 April 1680

PROB 11/396/342 Will of Robert Hooker, Ropemaker of Saint Paul Shadwell, Middlesex 17 September 1689

PROB 11/431/171 Will of William Castell, Shipwright of Saint Mary Magdalene Bermondsey, Surrey 29 April 1696
PROB 11/447/176 Will of Robert Castell, Shipwright of Deptford, Kent 20 August 1698