HCA 13/73 f.605r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/73 |
Folio | 605 |
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Bethan Reynolds | |
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Edited on 23/02/2015 by Jill Wilcox |
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Ad 8n and 9n. Articles deponit et dicit that after the arrivall of
the said ship and lading at Brazeele the said SSm Croxon did those unlade
the same from onboard his said ship, and sold and bartered
the same away for the account of the producents arlate; and in
him thereof caused to be put on board the said ship about
eleven or twelve hundred chests of white sugar, twenty five
hundred rolls of tabaccoe, and a quantity of hides and Brazille
wood, all which he sayeth were also for the account of the produc=
ents, and were the producent of their goods so sent from Lisbone
to Brazille as aforesaid et ulterius ad hos articles non deponit
salris predepositis, ad que se refert./
Ad 10 et 11nd dicit that after the lading and putting the aforesaid goods
and merchandises on board the Experience at Brazeelle, she do
parted therewith towards Lisbone there to discharge and unlade
the same (according to the foresaid security there given) for the use
and act of the producents, and to pay the King of Portugall his Customs
And that in her passage thither, the aforesaid John Kingsman her
Captaine, and Company did on or about the twenty seventh
day of May last (being Sunday) in the morning about breake of
day espy three ships (in sight of the Rocke of Lisbone) making
towards the Experience, which three ships afterwards proved to be
three Dutch men of warre and further deposeth not? to these
articles; saying that when the Captain and Company onboard the Expe=
rience first espyed the said three Dutch ships it was so early
in the morning that they could not discerne whether they
were enemies or friends./
Ad 12nd he sayeth that one of the said three ships called the Zelandia
(which was the Reare Admirall) whereof the Captain Tyson Quarts
was commander came sayling on the weather side of the Experience
(which is contrary to the custome of friends at sea) and never hayled her
at all. Whereapon Captain Kingsman on board the Experience
did in this deponents hearing hayle the Zelandia and wished she said
Quarts to keepe to the leeward, to which the said Quarts made
no answer at all, but sailed on his course to the windward still
as an enemie. And then he sayeth Captain Kingsman caused a shot
to be made onboard the Experience athwart the Zelandia’s
foot (according to the custome of the seas in such case.) which shot
as he affirmeth, did not touch the Zelandia at all nor was intended
soo to doe, but only to give her Captain and Company warning to
fall to the Leewards. Notwithstanding all which means used, he
sayeth they kept on still to the windwards of the Experience,
and would not, nor did they come to the Leeward, which he knoweth
being then on board the Experience and seeing and hearing the premisses
Ad 13nd dicit that the Experience, when first her Captain and Company
espyed the said three Dutch ships making towards her, had up and
sayled with the English colours, and had them up when she was
seized, as here after is declared; And sayeth the Captan and Company of the
Zelandia and also the Captains and Companies of the other two dutch ships
might and did see the same and he verily beleeveth they all know the
experience to be an English ship. Et alr nescit./