HCA 13/73 f.602v Annotate

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HCA 13/73 f.602v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the 6th he says that after the Licence procured and security given
as aforesaid and after the said Croxon had laden and put
on board the Experience at Lisbone her full lading of
goods for the use and account aforesaid he departed
therewith toward the Brazille, where he arrived
the said ship in safety in or about the baginning of January
last. And sayth the said lading soe
carried out from Lisbone was then well worth eight
thousand pounds sterling. The premisses he deposeth
helping to ship the said goods at Lisbone going thence and arriving (?XXXX GUTTER)
them in the Experience/.

To the 7th article he deposes and says that the aforesaid Thomas Bretton
Simon Delboe, Andreas Middleton and company were and are
English and subjects of the most serene King (of)Great Britain
and so it is they are commonly said and reputed to be. And otherwise saving (referring himself to his
previous deposition he cannot depose LAT).

To the 8nd he says that after the arrival of the said ship and lading at
Brazeele the said William Croxon did there unlade the said ship, and
dispose of her lading and barter the same away for sugar
Tobaccoe, hides and Brazill wood all for the use and account
of the producents Englishmen as aforesaid./

To the 9th he says that the said William Croxon did at Brazeele lade
cause to be laden on board the Experience about twelve
chests of white sugar, about twenty five hundred rolls of
Tobaccoe, fiftyor sixty hides, and a great quantity (?of)
Brazeele Wood all for the use and account of the pro
ducents, and were the proceed of their goods sent out of
Lisbone to Brazeele as aforesaid. And so much he sayth (?XX GUTTER)
said Croxon did several times affirme during the time
the lading the same. And further deposeth not to this article.

To the 10th he says that after the lading the foresaid goods at
Brazeele on board the Experience, she departed these (?XXGUTTER)
towards Lisbone there to unlade the same (according to
the security given in in as aforesaid) to the end the King of
Portugall might receive his Custome due unto him out of (?XXXGUTTER)

To the 11th he says and deposes that the Master and Company of the Expe
rience in their passage from Brazeele towards Lisbone
on the twenty seventh day of May last being Sunday (?XX)
the morning about breake of day espy three saile
ships, making towards the Experience, which said three ships
afterwards proved to be Dutch ships of warre. And says
was so early in the moring that the Master and Company
of the Experience could not at first discerne whether they
were enemies of friends, to his knowledge.

To the 12th he says that the Rere Admirall of the said three Dutch ships
whereof Captain Tyson Quarts was Commander came sayling up
to windward of the Experience contrary to the Custom
of friends at sea, and never hayled her at all. And then
the said Captain Kingsman hayled the said Rere Admirall