HCA 13/73 f.59v Annotate

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HCA 13/73 f.59v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the 5th hee saith that since the Warrs betweene this
Comonwealth. and the King of Spaine and especially
in the monethes of Aprill, may, and June 1658 in regard
it is dangerous for any subject of the Comonwealth of
England to trade to the said Canary Ilands or other Dominions
of the King of Spaine in their owne propper names
The said Robbles. to avoid danger of the seizing and
surprizing of his goods, and merchandizes by the King of
Spaine or his subjects. hath and doth trade in the
said Canary Ilands under the fictitious name of Adrian
Turin, and hath and doth there goe (as hee beleeveth) under the said fictious
name of Adrian Turin, and his wines, and merchandizes
have bin sent unto him from thence to this Port of
London, and Consigned to him under the said fictitious
name of Adrian Turin, and his Letters, Invoices and
advises, have bin sent unto him from his foresaid
factors at the Canaryes. to London under the said ffictitious
names, and hee the said Antonio Rodriguez Robbles. hath
sent Advises, Letters, and Invoices to the said Canary
Ilands from this Port, under the said fained name of
Adrian Turin, Which hee knoweth for that hee hath
often times seene the said Producent Antonio Rodriguez
Robbles. subscribe, and write the said fictitious and fained
name of Adrian Turin to such letters and dispatches and further deposeth not./.

To the 6th hee saith that in the moneth of June 1658.
and at the time of the Lading of the arlate Ninety fowre
pypes of wines and the other goods in question aboard the
arlate ship the Saint Laurence, at the Canaryes and for the [?said GUTTER]
fower yeeres last or thereabouts the arlate Simon da he[rrera GUTTER]
Liva, was, and is at this present the ffactor or Agent of
the said Antonio Rodriguez Robbles, att the Canarye
Ilands, which said da herrera Liva (as hee beleeveth and as the letters from him hee hath [XXX GUTTER] laded the said wines
and goods in question on board the said ship, at the said
Ilands, And saith that in the yeeres 1656. and 1657. and
before, the said Robbles did send or cause to be sent
for his owne proper account and Adventure severall goods
wares, and Merchandizes, from England and holland
to the said Simon da herrera Liva at the Canaryes, to a
very great Vallue, and the said Robbles had given the
said da herrera Liva, order to sell and dispose of the same
and to invest the proceed thereof in wines, and other goods
and send the same to this Port of London, for his the said
Robbles owne Account, And the said goods soe sent by the