HCA 13/73 f.578r Annotate

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HCA 13/73 f.578r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


Colours abroad at such time as the ffreetrade first met her
And this deponent further sayth that the Master of the ffreetrade
haled the Saint Mary and demanded whence she was? To which the
sayd Andreas or Anderson, sor some of the Saint Marys Company made
answer in this deponents hearing that she belonged to Amsterdam, and
that she belonged to subiects of the States of the United Netherlands
and was set out and came from thence. And further cannot
answer to this Interrogatorie saving he sayth most of the Saint Maries
Company were Hollanders and spake Dutch./

Ad 3um Rendet That shortly after the Capytaine and Company of and
in the Saint Mary had declared themselves to be of Holland
as aforesaid they did in a hostile and warlike manner set
upon seize and take the ffreetrade Interrate, and all her
lading in her and carried the same away with them. And further answereth not, saving he sauth
the foresayd five hundred bags of Galls and two bales of silkes
(so marked and numbred as aforesaid) were then onboard the
ffreetrade, and seized and carried away in her, whereby he
sayth the Interrate Mr Gregory, Mr Nence, and Mr Allen
were and are utterly dispoiled and dispossessed of the same./

Ad ult rendet That he hath heard from the Master of the ffreetrade
to the effect interrate, namely that the sayd ship had a
license from the Vice King of Valentia to trade freely
without any molestation. et alre non rendet./

John Gould[?stone] [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]




Johnannes Broadgate de Redriffe in Comitatus Surria nauta
annos natus 25. aut eo circiter juratus et examiniatus
supra Intessiys productus dicit et deponit prout sequitur./

Ad jum Interriu rendet That he very well knew the ship the
ffreetrade, whereof the Interrate Simon fflew was Master of Commander
and whereof this Deponent was a foremast man at such time as
she was seized as hereafter is declared. And sayth the said ship
had the said time on board her five hundred bags of Galls and two bales
of silkes, which were laden at Scanderoone for the account of the
Interrate John Gregory, John Bence and John Allen English
men and merchants of London; to whom he sayth the same did properly
belong, and were consigned; and to whom the same were to have
been delivered here in London. And this respondent sayth moreover
that there were severall other goods and merchandizes then
on board the ffreetrade, but the qualities or quantities of
them, or to whom they did properly belong he knoweth not, only
he sayth they were also to have been delivered here at London./

Ad 2um rendet et dicit That all the foresaid bags of galls were marked
with this marke OB and numbred from No.1. to No.500. and the said
two bales of silkes were marked also OB. and numbred No.5. and No. 6.
And that in the said ships passage towards London she was met with
neare the streights mouth by a certaine Dutch built ship
(whose name this Rendent doth not now remember) whereof
one Laurence Andrewas waas Commander And sayth he said Dutch built
ship had the Dutch Colours up when the ffreetrade firts met her,
whereupon the foresaid Simon fflew the Master of the ffreetrade haled
the said ship, and asked whence she was to which answer was made by the
said Andreas, or some of his Company in this Rendents hearing that she was of Amsterdam