HCA 13/73 f.526r Annotate

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HCA 13/73 f.526r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


And otherwise to this Article he cannot depose, not
knowing the said Roderigo and Gilberto Melz and Lorenzo
Ducler or either of them./

To the 4th Article and the three bills of
lading therein mentioned and now shewed unto him, he
sayth and deposeth that the said bills of lading were and
are the originall and true bills of lading made for
the receipt and delivery of the foresaid goods, and were
upon or about the day of the date in them mentioned
truely and really signed by this deponent at Rochell
before his said ship's departure from those parts. And
sayth he signed two other bills of the same tenor, and
agreeing verbatim with each of the said three bills;
which he left with the said Laders, and also one
other bill for all the said goods, as consigned to
Mr. Andre at Lisbone in Portugall, which last mentioned
was so made and signed for a colour only, and to prevent
the seizure of the said ship and goods, in case she could
meet with any Portugall men of warre in the
course of her said voyage; and therein he sayth
the names of the foresaid two ffrench merchants
were only used as consigners, because they were
ffrench, and thereby in amity with the Portugueses;
but the names of the said two Dutch merchants were
left out, because there were was and is warre betwixt
Portugall and Holland; And saving as aforesaid
he sayth there were no bills or bill of lading whatsoever
signed for the foresaid goods./ And further de=
poseth not./

To the 5th Article he sayth and deposeth that on or
or about the six and twentieth of ffebruary last past
(new stile) the said ship the King David with the fore=
said goods on board her set sayle from Saint Martins
neare Rochell on her said voyage in Company of
the Nonesuch frigot, commanded by Captain Zacharias
Smith, and that being gone about seaven leagues
out to sea, the said Smyth commanded this Deponent to
come aboard him, sending his shallop to fetch him; and
this deponent going aboard with eight of his company, the said
Smyth kept them aboard his said frigot, and carried them
togeather with the said ship King David and the foresaid goods
in her, for Portsmouth, and sayth that in the way thither
the Company of the said frigot, plundered and pillaged the
King David, and tooke away a great quantitie of her said