HCA 13/73 f.495r Annotate

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Annotate HCA 13/64 Volume Page
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Annotate HCA 13/69 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/70 Volume Page
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HCA 13/73 f.495r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window



The fourteenth of Aprill 1660.

On the behalfe of the Governour and}
Company of English Merchants trading}
to East India against the Dutch East India}
Company, or other subjects of the States of}
the United Netherlands.}

Examined upon an allegation given in on the behalfe
of the said English East India Company

Abraham Ripley Chyrurgeon resident at present
in the parish of Saint Michaell Woodstreete London, and
borne in or neare the same parish, aged 33 yeares or
thereabouts, sworne and examined saith and deposeth
as followeth videlicet.

To the said allegation hee saith and deposeth that hee well knoweth Cape Coast situat on the Gold coast in Guiney
mentioned in the said allegation and well knew the house or factorie of the honourable English
East India and Ginney company therein situat before the same was ruined as is
hereunder mentioned, this deponent having lived foure yeares and upwards
at Cormantine Castle, and bin severall times in that space at the said [XXXX]
And saith that the danes being possessed of the Castle of Cape coast aforesaid
they (wanting trade) delivered it up to the dutch on the sixth of Aprill 1659
this deponent being then there and then seeing the dutch in possession of it
affore the danes were gonne out And further that the Negro's natives of that countrey disliking such
possession of the dutch, laid seige to the said Castle soe yeilded up by the danes
and endeavoured to take it from the dutch againe and this hee saith happened
in the said moneth of Aprill 1659, and this deponent
being retourned from the said Cape to Cormantie castle during the said
seige, there came a letter on or about the first of May 1659 from John Gatton
cheife factor for the said Company at the said Cape living in the said house
of the said Company there, directed to mr Roger Chappell Principall
factor for the said Company at the said Castle of Cormantine, purporting
that the dutch had dired the said house and factorie of the English and
the goods and merchandizes therein that were combustible, and by
shooting hindred the English from quenching the fire and from saving
the goods. Whereupon the said Mr Chappell sent william [?Haldane] John
Gardner and this deponent with a leyter to Mr Gaspar van Husen the
Principall of the Hollands factorie at ffort Saint George or [?Mina] on the
said coast, (being about seaven leagues distant from the Castle of
Cormantine,) to complaine of the said spoile and dammage
committed by the dutch on the said English company, and that in their
passage by sea to goe to the said dutch principall, rowing vy the
said Cape coast, this deponent saw that the said English house or factorie
(which this deponent about a weeke before
had bin at and seene the same standing in good condition) was burned downe
according to what was soe signified from the said Mr Gatton. And saith
that on the second of the said moneth of May (as hee remembreth the day
of the moneth) this deponent and his two Companions arriving
at the said place of Residence of the said dutch Principall, delivered the
said letter unto him and Complained of the said spoile and dammage
And the said Mr van Husen having read the said letter and heard their complaint,
seemed very sorry for the said wrong committed, and said that if it could be
made appear that the dutch did it wilfully, satisfaction must be made