HCA 13/73 f.488v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/73 |
Folio | 488 |
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Thomas Davies | |
First transcribed | |
2014/07/08 |
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together, to Consult, about the savegard of the said ship
and their owne lives, and it was agreed by and amongst
them that the sheete Cable and Anchor, and One Hawser
Belonging to the said ship, should be shipped which
accordingly Done, and the same were utterly lost at
sea, And saith that hee verily beleeveth that if they had
not soe done the said ship and Lading would have [?been GUTTER]
driven upon an Island which was nere the place where
the said ship then was, and shee her said Lading
together with her Companyes lives thereby have been utterly
lost, and saith that the Cable two Anchors and two
Hawsers soe lost as aforesaid were then well worth
the summe of two hundred and fifty pounds sterling
and upwards, and the said Looker was forced to
buy others in their roomes in East India and saith that hee paid
there for a Cable about 160 pounds and saith that hee doth
not knowe howe much the said Looker paid for
the two Anchors and two Hausers which hee there bought
but beleeveth that they cost about one hundred and
Tenne pounds Sterling And saith that hee verily beleeveth
that at the time when the said Cable Anchor and
Hawser was shipped as aforesaid the ffreighters
onboard the said ship Goods, wares, Merchandizes
and moneyes, to the Vallue of Tenne Thousand
pounds sterling The premisses hee deposeth being
of the said ship, and being onboard her when the said
Storme happend and when the said Cable Anchor and
hawsers were shipped and lost as aforesaid and further cannot depose
To the 9th hee saith that after the said storme the said ship
sailed neere Mucco in China, and a while after her
arrivall there there happened a Difference betweene
Mr. Carter one of the freighters of the said ship, and
Supracargo of her, and the Inhabitants of Mucco
And the said Carter sending the said Boate on shore
with some of the said men therein presently after the
Difference happened, the said Inhabitants of Mucco
seized the said Boate, and men, and never made
restitution, And saith that the said Boate at the time of
the said seizure together with the saile mast and [xxxx]
belonging thereunto was worth the summ of Ten pounds
in this Deponents Estimation, and further cannot depose
To his 10th and 11th hee saith that hee hath used the sea
about twenty yeeres last and
hath made two voyages to the East Indias and thereby Knoweth
it is the use and Custome amongst Merchants and