HCA 13/73 f.474v Annotate

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HCA 13/73 f.474v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


Sailed from Gravesend to Yarmouth, and there [?tooke GUTTER]
in goods, and Carried the same to Marcella and
there delivered them, and sailed with Ballast to
Cyprus, and there tooke in a Lading of Salt
and Carried the same to Satalia, and there
delivered it, and from thence sailed in Ballast
to Cyprus againe, and there tooke in another
Lading of Salt, and Carried the same to
Scanderoone, and there Delivered it, in the
month of July 1657, and there tooke in
a Lading of Goods for England, which was
alsoe laden onboard the said Ship in the said
month of July but the perticular dayes hee
remembreth not, And during all the said time
the said Joseph Bond did serve in the said
ship, and did performe his said Place in her
during all the said time faithfully and
honestly, and used his best Indeavours in the said
Ships service, soe farr as this Deponent could
Perceive, which hee Deposeth Goeing [?Carpenter GUTTER]
of the said Ship the said voyage, and further
cannot depose.

To the 6th hee saith that soone after the said Ship
had receaved in her said Lading at Scanderoone
which consisted in Galls Camels haire Cordivants
Skinns and other goods shee departed and sett
saile from thence to come for England, and
in her course to this port shee met with very
foule Stormy and Tempestuous weather
by meanes whereof the said Ship and Lading
was Cast away and lost in the Sea, And the
said Disaster hee saith happened not by the
Carelessenes or wilfullness of the saide Bond or
any of the said Ships Company, but merely by
reason of the said foule Stormy and Tempest[?ous GUTTER]
weather, And the said Bond and Company did
doe their Endeavour to preserve the said Ship and
Lading which hee Knoweth being aboard ye said
ship the said time, and further cannot depose

To the 7th hee saith the said Bond served in the
said Ship from her said depture from Gravesend
untill the time the said ship was Cast away, [?but GUTTER]
the day in which shee was Cast away hee [?remembreth GUTTER]
not And further cannot depose./.

To the 8th hee saith that from the time the said Ship[GUTTER]
Departed from Gravesend untill the time that her [?last GUTTER]
Goods was unladen at Scanderoone ??? and is Eight [?monthes GUTTER]
[?time GUTTER]