HCA 13/73 f.311v Annotate

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HCA 13/73 f.311v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


Company seeing the sayd mate told this deponent that his Captaine, Captaine hudson had hyred that close lighter by the day
and therefore shee must be laden first, and that therefore hee would lade nothing more on board the sayd open lighter
the next morning and soe some of the sayd Company by the Command of
the sayd mate stopped into the sayd lighter and contrary to this
deponents mynde and will did loosen the roapes wherewith the sayd open
lighter was fastned to the sayd shippp syde and vered her downe by the sayd shipps side more twowards the
sterne of the shipp to make roome for the cloase lyter to lye where the sayd
open lighter did and the sayd mate sayd they would lade noe more goods into the sayd
open lighter till the next morning and willed this deponent to make
her well fast a sterne of the shipp whether they had vered her
and told this deponent that hee and the shipps company would take care
of her till next morning and willed this deponent and the sayd Purse
to come very early the next morning to take in the rest of the ladeing
which was to be laden on board the sayd open lyter, and thereupon the sayd
shipps company fell to ladeing of the sayd Cloase lighter it being layd where the open lighter formerly lay and laded
her fully and sent her away that night by the next tyde as hee beleeveth for that hee sawe her betymes in the next morning with her ladeing at Galley Key but the sayd shipps Company refused
to put any more ladeing on board the sayd open lighter that night, whereupon
this deponent and the sayd Purse about 4 of the clock in the afternoone of the sayd Monday left
the sayd lighter and the goods in her then cleere from any damage by any wett and in as good condition as they were receaved into the sayd open lighter in the Custodie
and under the care of the Company of the sayd shipp and came noe more
neere her till the next day in the morning And further to these articles
hee cannot depose./

To the5th hee saith hee well knoweth that the lighter arlate at the tyme
shee went from London to take in her ladeing ot of the Smyrna ffactor
and while the goods taken into her were in ladeing and when this deponent
and the sayd Purse as is predeposed left her in the care and custody of the sayd shipps company
was a stronge staunch and sufficient lighter and fitt to carrye Cotton woolls
and such goods as were put into her and noe way leakie or insufficient./

To the sixth hee saith that what damage happened to the goods laden aboard
the sayd open lighter happened not by any defect or insufficiency of
the sayd lyter but soe happened after this deponent and the sayd Purse had
left her under the care and custody of the Company of the shipp Smirna
ffactor who tooke upon them the care thereof as aforesayd by whose negligence and default the damage controverted happened
as this deponent verily beleeveth And further hee cannot depose./

To the 7th and 8th hee saith that the Cloase lyter arlate is of this deponents
knowledge commonly accompted to belonge to one Ambrose Pomerey
of whome this deponent hath heard the arlate Captaine
hudson hyred the same and payed him the freight for the carriage of the
goods taken into her aforesayd out of the Smirna ffactor the
tyme predeposed, and therefore beleeveth the arlate Bolton and Mills had
nothing to doe there with nor imployed the same And further hee
cannot depose saving his foregoeing deposition to the first second
third fowerth andsixth articles of this alegation./

To the nynth hee saith the goods laden into the sayd open lyter were most of them
Cotton woolls and the freight of them smale and inconsiderable about 2 d a bagg