HCA 13/73 f.202Av Annotate

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HCA 13/73 f.202r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the 11th hee cannot Answer./.

To the 12th hee referreth himselfe to his foregoeing deposition and
further cannot Answer./.

To the 13th and 14th hee hath not soe deposed

To the 15th hee cannot Answer:/.

To the 16th and 17th hee hath not soe deposed./:

Math: Datselare [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The 28th of Aprill 1659.

drawater against the Saint Anne of}
Amsterdam hendrick Johnson master}
and against her tackle and furniture}
Suckely. Cheeke.}

Examined upon an allegation made yesterday in the acts
of Court on behalfe of the said drawater.


Hendrick Johnson of Ra[XX?p] in holland Mariner
Master of the said shipp aged 33 yeeres or thereabouts
sworne and examined.

To the said allegation hee saith and deposeth that one Mr demetrius
factor or agent of and for the said James drawater did at Amsterdam
about eight moneth since take the shipp the Anne aforesaid to
freight for a voyage to be made with her from Amsterdam for
Cadiz, there to deliver such goods as the said freighter should lade or
cause to be laded aboard her, and to receive such other goods as by his
order should at Cadiz be provided and brought to be [XX] laded aboard
her for this port to which shee was to retourne therewith, And saith
that the said shipp lying long and could not proceed
by meanes of fowle weather and Ice, and having greate want of money, this deponent
bespake the said factor to lend and furnish for her use and occasions
a summe of money upon bottomry, to be repaid with consideration
for the use thereof after the said shipps retourne or to that effect; and that the said
freighter lent and advanced upon such [?instance] of this deponent the
summe of eleaven hundred gilders. And further that after receipt thereof
the said factor in regard of this deponents not
proceeding, making complaint to the Magistrate, caused the said shipp
to be arrested, and then this deponent and one of his owners comming to
treatie with the said factor, did in consideration of the said moneys and
the delay and preiudice suffered by his principall (mr drawater) in
the said shipp not proceeding but [?desisting] from the said voyage, agreed
to allow and pay unto him the summe of two and twenty hundred gilders,
hollands money, amounting to two hundred and twenty pounds sterling
or thereabouts, and that the said shipp should be liable to make good the
payment thereof, or to that effect, and the said factor accepted thereof
And saith that comming afterwards to this port, shee was here arrested
for the said moneys at the sute of the said mr drawater, and lies now
under that arrest, and that the said summe of two and twenty hundred
gilders is really due upon and from the saids shipp for the said debt[X GUTTER]
soe contracted.
