HCA 13/73 f.186r Annotate

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HCA 13/73 f.186r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


the Letters aforesaid, nor saw any of them opened, And otherwise hee cannot
depose saving his foregoeing deposition to which hee referreth himselfe.

To the last hee saith the schedule interrogated was and is written in Spanish, and was
the very schedule annexed to the allegation, and otherwise negatively, saving as aforesaid.

Wm Martyn Interpreter [SIGNATURE, LH SIDE]

Diego mendes [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The 14th of Aprill 1659. [CENTRE HEADING]

The claime of the said}
Betts and Ailward}

Examined upon the fore said allegation.


Diego Mendez of La Palma in the Canaries, aged 25 yeares or
thereabouts sworne and examined.

To the first and second articles hee saith and deposeth that hee well knoweth
the producents Patrick Betts and Peter Aileward, and saith that the said
Betts went master and the said Aileward assistant to the Sopra carfo
of the shipp the hope arlate the voyage in question, on which shee proceeded
in or about September 1657 from Amsterdam, where there was by the said
Betts for his owne account laded and put aboard her for the said voyage
certaine linnens, spices, hats, and woollens, and by the said Aileward for his
account serges, linnens, stockings and other goods, all to be bartered away in the
West Indies, which this deponent (who alsoe went the said voyage thence) saw
them lade, and saith the said shipp safely arived therewith in the Spanish West
Indies of this deponents sight who arived there in her.

To the third fourth 5 and 6th hee saith that after such arivall of the said shipp and
goods in the Spanish West Indias John Lopez the principall Sopracargo being
a Spaniard abd thereby capable of trading there in his owne name (which the
producents being Irish merchant) vended and trucked away their said outwards
commodities for their account, for the goods following which hee procured
or produced in barter for them in retourne of their said goods, namely for
the said Betts twenty chests of Indigo and drugs, of which hee beleeveth
fufteene were Indigo's, and for the said Aileward thirteene chests of Indigo's
and drugs but how many of them contained Indigo's and how many drugs hee
knoweth not, nor knoweth the markes of them or of Bets his chests, nor
what drugs they had in their sea chests, all which goods hee saith were truely
provided for and were the produce of the said outwards goods of the said producents
and for their account were laded aboard the said shipp of this deponents knowledge
who being a Spaniard did assist the said lopes in selling or disposing the
said outward and procuring the said homewards goods for the same. And saith
the said shipp was to come therewith for dover or the downes.

To the 7th hee saith that shortly after the said shipps departure from [?Matansor] where
shee touched in her homewards course the said voyage the arlate Toribbio
ffernandez being in want of clothes sold the said Aileward sixteene arobes
of Sassaparella which were in the said shipp for his account, for which the said
Aileward then made him part of payment in clothes, and for the rest was
to pay him afterwards by a praemium betweene them at which this deponent
was present. And having soe bought them the said sixteene arobes became
the goods of the said Aileward, and upon his adventure.

To the 9th that the said shipp afterwards comming neere this coast
was by the fowle weather and contrary winds put into Millford haven with
all the said goods in her, where this deponent left them and came by land
to London. And further hee cannot depose.

To the 10th hee saith the said Patrick Betts and Peter Aileward were and
are commonly accounted Irish men, Subiects of this Commonwealth and
dwellers in London And further hee cannot depose.

To the Interrogatories. [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first hee saith that hee came in the said shipp to Milford haven but