HCA 13/73 f.184v Annotate

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HCA 13/73 f.184v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


one and twenty monethes, and this deponent never knew any of those
dwelling in Spaine, or any of the Spanish dominions, And otherwise
hee cannot answer, saving his foregoeing deposition to which hee referreth

Repeated in all theise three claimes before doctor Godolphin
18th of Aprill 1659.



The 14th of Aprill 1659

The claime of the said ffernandez}
and others for their goods in the}
Hope aforesaid}

Examined upon the foresaid allegation.


Diego Mendez of the Iland of La Palma in the
Canaries, aged 25 yeares or thereabouts sworne
and examined.

To the first second third and 4th articles hee saith that his precontest John
Lopez being acquainted with this deponent in Amsterdam, told him there
shortly before the voyage in question that John Tilly and Jo[XX] Chanter[?n]ell
two marchants of that place (whom this deponent knoweth) were buying
a shipp for account of themselves and partners in England, for a voyage
to be made therewith for the West Indias wherein the said Lopez said hee
was to goe Capa marchant of her, and asked this deponent to goe along[?e GUTTER]
with him the said voyage, the better to colour the said busines for that this
deponent was a Spaniard, and saith the said shipp being bought and the
arlate Patrick Betts put master of her, there was a cargo
of goods consisting in woollen goods, linnens, hatts, silkes, spices, and
other goods (amounting in all as hee understood to five and twenty thousand five hundred [?florins) put aboard the said shipp named the Hope by the said
Tilly and Chanterwell for the said voyage, and saith hee heard and was
from the beginning and all alonge credibly informed that Anthony ffernandez
Gowen Painter, John Page, Antonio Robles and Andrew dunkin of
London Merchants were the companie of the said Tilly and Chanter[?n]ell
in the said designe and adventure. And saith that hee saw the said goods
soe laded at Amsterdam, and knoweth that they were soe laded to be trucked
away in the West Indies for goods of that countrey or thereabouts, to be brought
ack for the Downes or dover, for that this deponent was shipped for that voyage,
And further hee cannot depose saving [?what] followeth.

To the fifth and 6th hee saith the said shipp in or about September 1657 departed
with the said cargo from Amsterdam, and went and sailed to Trinidad
Comana, Truxillo and honduras in the West Indies, and at honduras ad
Truxillo the said John lopez the Sopra cargo bartered and trucked away the
said outwards goods and bought and produced therewith and laded aboard the
same shipp for the claimers account two hundred and eightie chests of
Indigo, twenty two chests of drugs, two small barrells, and two small
potaccoes of drugs, foure hundred seaventie and six hides, and one thousand
ninetie and foure arobes of Sassaparilla, all which hee knoweth being present
and seeing the same soe donne and assisting the said Lopez therein. And
further hee deposeth not.

To the seventh hee saith that after such buying and providing and [XXXX] the
said goods the said shipp departed from the West Indies therewith
to come to dover or downes to receive order from their marchants at
London for their discharge and unlading, but by fowle and contray winde
and weather shee came therewith to Milford haven in safetie, where[XX GUTTER
this deponent arived in her, and knoweth that shee brought all the said
goods thether.

To the eighth hee saith that after the arivall of the said shipp at Milford
haven the said John Lopez went there ashore to goe and departed for london
to advise his marchants of her arivall, this deponent seeing him gone
ashore there. And further deposeth not.
