HCA 13/73 f.177v Annotate

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HCA 13/73 f.177v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


arlate shipp the Alexander did ride by a myle distamce and
better nor at any tyme make fast to any of her cables Anchors or
bouy roapes nor cut or cause to be cut and carried away any of the bouyes buoy-
roapes or Anchors of the Alexander or any other shipp, nor
cut and carry away any boyes bouy ropes Cables or Anchors but what did properly
belonge to and were the sayd shipp the desyres owne, And further hee deposeth not/

To the 2 article of the sayd allegation hee sith that in the moneths and
tyme arlate (the tyme more certaynely hee doth not now remember)
the sayd shipp desyre was by stresse of wether driven out to sea and
her Master and company forced to lett their Anchors slipp and goe away
to sea for their better preservation, and leave them five tymes, and did
when they soe went away, leave bouyes to theirAnchors intending to
returne and come to their owne Anchors againe by assistance of
the sayd bouyes but by reason that divers tymes the bouyes soe left
are by violence of the sea or otherwise broken off and lost, the Anchors
they are left fastned to cannot be found, And saith that the sayd
Colquite by reason hee was soe driven out had his bouyes broken
off or othewise taken off and thereby lost three Anchors the sayd
voyage though hee used all diligence to finde them
this hee knoweth being boatswaine
aboard her as aforesayd And further cannot depose./

To the 3 article of the sayd allegation hee saith that hee this deponent
being Boatswaine of, and aboard the desyre as aforesayd the voyage
in question well knoweth that the sayd Colquite did once upon his
returne into the Roade arlate after hee had bin driven out thence
make the sayd shipp desyre fast to a shipp Roape or bouy and
ridd by it and an other anchor of the desyres for a tyme, and at
his goeing away weighed his owne Anchor belonging
to the desyre, but could not loosen his roape from the slipp
roape aforesayd and notwithstanding hee endeavoured soe to doe
was at length forced to cut and did cutt his the sayd Colquites owne roape
which was made fast to the sayd slipp bouy roape, and left about
a fathome and a halfe of the sayd Colquites owne roape fastned to
the sayd slipp bouy roape, and left alsoe the sayd bouy and
bouye roape and his the sayd Colquites owne peece of roape
fastned togeather without doeing [?any] the least preiudice to the sayd
bouy and slipp bouy roape this hee deposeth of certayne knowledge
seeing the same soe done And further hee deposeth not./

To the 4th article of the sayd allegation hee saith that hee this deponent
being boatswaine as aforesayd and aboard thereby knoweth that the
sayd henry Colquite had the voyage aforesayd some dutch men
aboard the desyre aforesayd and amongst others the arlate
Peter Smith, hance or Nance Peterson, and Peter hannc[XX] which
hee knoweth