HCA 13/73 f.151v Annotate

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HCA 13/73 f.151v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the Interrogatories in the second place, intituled
ffurther Interrogatories et cetera. [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first Interrogatorie hee saith hee is a subiect of the States
of the United Netherlands and hath an eighth part in that said shipp the
Santa Maria that hee is sure of, and hath understood lately that Christofer Wey[?eart GUTTER]
and Jeronimo[?s] Ry[?udorp] of hamborow who when hee proceeded from Amsterdam
undertooke to be part owners of the said shipp namely of five sixtie fourth parts
of the said shipp, are now fallen off, and left the said parts upon him this
deponent, and saith hee hath noe part or share in the goods claimed in
this cause, but had goods and plate of his owne aboard at the time
of the seizure as hee hath before declared, And further hee cannot depose
saving as aforesaid.

To the second hee saith hee came last from Tolon about six and twenty
dayes since, and that Joachim Stol his boatswaine came along with him, and
that before his comming thence, hee had licensed all the rest of his company
(being soe turned out of the shipp) saving three to goe whither they would, and most of them
went for holland before this deponents comming thence, and the rest to other places
to get imployment, only those three (being his Purser, Gunner and a boy) hee
left at Tholon to sea what became of the shipp; And saith hee saw many of her
hides delivered to ffrenchmen that were sold by the said Stoakes and Aldworth
at their order one of the said ffrenchmen named Mr Moton, And otherwise hee
cannot answer saving as aforesaid.

Johan V: [?Lignann] [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The fifteenth of march 1658.

The claime of hector Peterson and others}
mentioned in the description of the allegation for the}
shipp the Santa Maria whereof John}
van lynen was master taken by the ffairfax.}

Examined upon an allegation given in on the
behalfe of the said claimers the 26th of
January last.


John van Lynen of Amsterdam Mariner aged 37
yeares or thereabouts sworne and examined.

To the first second third and 4th hee saith the said shipp the Santa maria is a dutch shipp and
was built at Amsterdam about two yeeres since by John Cornelisson
[?Moulepart] a dutch shipwright living in Amsterdam, and other dutch men working
under him, to the end to sell the same as the use there is, and when shee
was about halfe built, this deponent with the consent and directions of the
arlate hector Petersson, Gilbert Cornelison Schonten, Nicholas Bleauhelm
William Momma, Martin ffransen vander Schelder and company all
Merchants of Amsterdam and hamborow, bought her and caused her to be
finished by the said shipwright and his workmen, and saith that a broaker
named My[?aert] van k{?em] being imployed (as the manner there is)
about the said contract, did on behalfe of the said Monte[XXX] make sale thereof
to the said hector Peterson and other aforementioned, who were
most of them this deponents owners of a shipp that hee had shortly before (which
being too small, was sold at Amsterdam) And saith the said hector Peterson
Gilbert Cornelison Scouten, Nicholas Vleauhelm, William
Momma, Martin ffransen vander Schilder and company (whereof this deponent
is one) were and are subiects of the States of the United Netherlands and
of the State of hamborow, and true and lawfull owners and proprietors
of the said shipp and of her tackle apparell and furniture, and Inhabitants
of Amsterdam and hamborow and for such commonly accompted, which shipp