HCA 13/72 f.6v Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.6v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the 10th hee cannot answere knowing nothing nor having heard
anything touching the matters Interrogate/

To the 11th hee cannot answere knowing nothing nor having heard any
thing to the touching the matters Interrogate./

To the 12th hee saith hee hath heard and beleeveth that the Interrogate
Gonsalo da Gamboa dyalo dyed in the Island of Cape de Verd some
yeares since but how many hee remembreth not but saith it was since
the ladeing and seizure of the goods predeposed And saith hee hath knowne
the arlate Interrogate mathew da Gamboa and Barbara da Gamboa
for these fifteene yeares last past or thereabouts, and saith they lived (and as
hee beleeveth doe still live) in Lisbone, and saith hee knoweth that before
the sayd Gonsalo da Gamboa dgalo his goeing to live at Cape
da Verde Islands the sayd Mathew and Barbara did live at Lisbone in
house with the sayd Gonsalo and hee this deponent being then a
neere neighbour there, to them, hath heard the sayd Gonsalo Mathew
and Barbara call each other brother and sister, and knoweth they
were there commonly soe reputed to bee, but saith hee knew not
their father and mother And further to this Interrogatorie hee cannot answer/

Repeated before doctor Godolphin/

Manoel Alvares [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The 4th of May 1657/

George Margetts and Company against three sixteenth parts of}
the shipp called the Saint Lucar Merchant lately belonging}
to Samuell Wilson the yonger and her tackle and furniture}
attached by authoruty of this Court and against the}
sayd Wilson in particular and all others in generall etcetera Clements}

Examined upon an allegation given in
on the behalfe of the sayd Margetts./

Rp. 1

Richard Hussy of Lymehouse in the
parish of Stepney Mariner late Master
of the Saint Lucar Marchant aged sixty yeares
or thereabouts a wittnesse sworne and examined
saith and deposeth as followeth videlicet./

To the first article of the sayd allegation hee saith that during all
the moneths and tyme arlate in the yeare one thousand sixe hundred fifty
fower, and during all the moneths and tyme arlate in the yeare one thousand
sixe hundred fifty five, the arlate Samuell Wilson was true and lawfull
Owner and Proprietor of three sixteenth parts of the shipp the Saint Lucar
Merchant arlate and of her tackle apparrrell and furniture and
soe commonly accompted and reputed the premisses hee deposeth of his
knowledge having gone severall yeares master of the sayd shipp and
being Master of her during the Monethes and tyme arlate in the yeares 1654 and
1655 aforesayd, and thereby well knoweing that the sayd Samuell Wilson