HCA 13/72 f.675r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/72 |
Folio | 675 |
Side | Recto |
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Uploaded image; transcribed on 16/12/2015 | |
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IMAGE: IMG_121_11_5682.JPG | |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2015/12/16 |
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sayd Graves came in and sett downe by the fyre side in a publique roome
with the sayd Pett and [?XXX] dranke a flagon of beere togeather, and then the sayd Graves in presence and
heareing of this deponent told the sayd Pelt that hee desyred to speake with
him in private some few words touching Bernard Johnson (meaning the arlate
Bernard Johnson) and asked him why hee would not speake
with the sayd Johnson haveing often bin importuned by messengers
from him soe to doe, whereto the sayd Pett answered and sayd hee had
reason sufficient for his not speakeing with the sayd Bernard Johnson
or such as came from him and that whatsoever the sayd Graves should
saye to him in private concerneing the sayd Bernard Johnsons busines
hee the sayd Pett would presently declare the same in publique before
this deponent and whosoever else were present for that hee would have noe
conference touching the sayd Johnsons businesse but what should be
publique and knowne to wittnesses, whereupon the sayd Graves importuned
the sayd Pelt that the sayd Bernard Johnson (who as hee sayd was
hard by) might come to him the sayd Pett and drinke with him and speake
with him and the sayd Pett through his perswasion being contented
therewith the sayd Graves went forth and presently brought the sayd
Bernard Johnson with him And they being come they sett downe by the fyre togeather
in the roome aforesayd being a publique roome and dranke a
flagon of beere togeather and haveing soe done the sayd Bernard Johnson
desyred the sayd Pett that hee would declare unto him what
information or testimony hee had given in touching the shipp Nicholas
whereof his brother Claes was Master or words to that effect,
and the sayd Pett thereto answered and sayd whatsoever information
or testimony I have given concerning that busines you may goe to
Whitehall and there you may knowe and the sayd Barnard Johnson
thereupon desyreing the sayd Pett that hee might speake with him in
private the sayd Pett answered noe, and sayd whatsoever you speake
to mee in private touching that busines I will presently divulge
publiquely heere before eittnes, get through the importunity of the
sayd Barbnard Johnson the sayd Pett went with the sayd Barnard
into a little drinkeing roome which lay open to the foresayd roome
without any doore thereto where the sayd Barnard againe importuned
the sayd Pett to the effect aforesayd and sayd if you will tell mee
what you have allready testified in that busines and will forbeare
to testifie any thing further therein I wiull pay you all your wages due
to your from my brother for that voyage,a nd give you satisfaction for the
losses you receaved when the shipp (meaning the Nicholas) was taken
and give you any other reasonable satisfaction that you shall desyre
whereto the sayd Pett answred and sayd noe I looke for nothing
from your I will not bee a treyter to his highnesse the Lord Protector
and my nation neither for ffleming nor Spaniard nor any other
nation, and these words or the like in effect passed betweene the sayd
Barnard and the sayd Pett in the sayd open drinkeing roome this deponent
being in the publique roome aforesayd and soe neere that hee could nad