HCA 13/72 f.64v Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.64v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


with a Cargoe of goods brought from England and the arlate Joshua
Bartlett had then the Command of the sayd shipp as Master of her and
was commonly reputed Master of her and soe continued till the sayd shipps
returne to London And alsoe saith that John Thawley and the rest of
the parties schedulate togeather with others were then Mariners in and
aboard the sayd shipp and soe continued (all save such as dyed in the
voyage) until the sayd shipps returne to London, And hee saith that of
his this deponents knowledge the sayd shipp was at the Barbados after her
arrivall there and delivery of her ladeing brought thither, hired to goe thence upon
a tradeing voyage to the Cape de Verd Islands, and thence back to the
Barbados, and did accordingly depart thense bound to the Cape de Verd
Islands about the beginning of january 1655 (old style) and this deponent
went in her Supracargoe for the sayd voyage to the Cape de Verde Islands,
and thereby knoweth that the sayd Tr[X]wley and other the Mariners of
the sayd shipp the did worke very hard in carrying of salt from the
ponde wh[XX]ch they raked it, and laying it in a heape for others whome
this deponent imployed to carry the same to the water side, and in goeing
up to the midd legg and better in the pond to rake it out thense, and after=
ward in carrying it from the water side on shipp board, And saith that
from thense the sayd shipp touching at severall Ilands came to ffagoe
arlate where by this deponents order they tooke aboard the sayd
shipp about a hundred and thirty head of Cattell horses and Asses
besides Cowes and Bulls and Asses which were taken in at Saint Teago
and Bonavist, in takeing in of which Cattell, the sayd shipps Company
tooke great paines, and alsoe did undergoe much labour and danger
in getting grasse and water for them, and went in danger of their
lives in the performance thereof, by reason of the extraordinary sea
which continually runnes thereabouts, and one tyme they goeing for
water their boate was splitt by the violence of the sea and some of
the boates company escaped by swimming, and others were miraculously
cast on shoare by the waves, And the sayd shipps Company did take
great paines likewise in lookeing to and attending the sayd Cattell and did
by turnes goe amongst them to looke to them, and by mayne strength
lifte up such as were downe to prevent them from being trodd upon and
killed by the other beasts, and saith hee observed that those whose turne
it was to goe among the Cattell were usually much foyled and b[?em]gered with
lifting them up, all which paines they did endure for the goods of the
Master, Owners and voyage, and saith that while they soe continued at
ffagoe and the Cape de Verd Islands fower or five of the sayd shipps
Company fell sick of feaver and other diseases and thereof dyed And
further to those articles hee cannot depose not knowing any thing touching
the hyreing of any of the sayd shipps Company nor what wages
they were by agreement to have./

To the 4th 5th and 6th articles of the sayd allegation hee saith that hee this
deponent goeing from Cape Verde Islands and ffagoe to the Barbados and goeing a passenger from the Barbados to England in the shipp
the Recovery, thereby knoweth that after her company had indured the
hard shipp predeposed of at the Cape de Verde Islands and ffagoe, they went thense