HCA 13/72 f.609v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/72 |
Folio | 609 |
Side | Verso |
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IMAGE: IMG_121_11_5547.JPG | |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2018/01/17 |
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silke marked with the second marke in the margent consigned to [?XXX]
of London Merchant, one pack of Linnen marked with the third marke
in the margent, consigned to david ffaringdon of London Merchant, one
pack of linen marked with the fourth marke in the margent consigned
to Robert Biddulph of London merchant, one pack of linnen marked
with the fifth marke in the margent consigned to henry Smith of London
Merchant, one Ring of Wyer consigned to Mr Thomas Glover of London
Merchant, one pack of linnen marked with the 6th marke in the margent
consigned to Richard Ma[?unsell] of London merchant, three peeces of
course canvas, marked with the seaventh marke in the margent consigned
to Joachim [St?XXXXXX], one box marked with the eighth marke in the margent
and alsoe three peeces of browne linnen and one peece of linnen, all
which goods were laded as aforesaid at hamborow, and consigned to this port
of London, here to be delivered according the said consignements, all
which hee knoweth because hee being master of the said shipp received the
said merchandizes aboard and signe bills of lading for the same.
To the second, third and fourth articles hee saith an deposeth that aftersuch
lading of the said merchandizes and other goods aboard the said shippp the
ffalcon, in the said port of hamborowe, shee departed therewith under the
conduct of this deponent and company for London, and such her departure
was in the moneth of August last, and that in her course of proceeding
with all her said lading aboard, comming about two leagues to the Northward
of Yarmouth and about a league from shoare on the 24th (old stile)
of August last there came certaine persons in a frigot or man of warr
carrying about six gunns, which haling the said shipp the ffalcon, demanded
whenc shee was, and whether bound, and answer being retourned that
shee came from hamborowe and was bound for London, they of the said
frigot or man of warr presently let flie, and discharged five or six
muskets at and against the ffalcon and company, and commannded her
master aboard, whereupon this deponent not being able to withstand
them by reason the said man of warr was much stronger than the falcon
and fitted and furnished for warr, and able to sincke the falcon
or take her at pleasure, being over [??awed] and in that necessitie forced to
obey, went aboard the said man of warr, where the Captaine and company
for sometime detained him, and this hee saith was in the evening of
the said 24th of August last, and all that night the said man of warr
kept close by the ffalcon and kept her under commannd, and that the
next morning (being the 25th of August last) about eighteeene or twenty
of the said man of warrs company came in their boate and by force and
violence and in despight of the ffalcons company entred her and possessed
themeselves of her and of her lading, of this deponents sight and knowledge.
To the fifth article hee saith and deposeth that the said company of the [?said]
man of warr having soe by force entred and possessed themselves ofthe
said shipp the ffalcon and her lading, did stay and continew in her fromthe
time of such their first entrie (which was about six of the clocke in the
morning) to and untill the evening of the said 25th day, during all
which time they brake open the ffalcons hold by ransacking [?XXX]
the same, and pillaged and tooke out severall packs and other greate [?quantities]
of her lading, and layeing and spreadeing the same upon the deck, cut and
tore open the packs to cull and choose what goods liked the best and
tooke the same and many of the packs of goods and severall of [?XXX] and [?XXX]
by force and carried the same out of the falcon aboard their said man of warr