HCA 13/72 f.608v Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.608v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The 22th of September 1668

The Lord Protector against the shipp}
the Love alias Liesde whereof Gerrat}
Grabb was master and the goods in her,}
and against all others et cetera Bud. Smith.}

Examined upon an allegation given
on behalfe of his highnes the
22th instance

Rowe dt.


Hendrick Hendrickson a native of Meppan in the
Bishoprick of Munster, lodging now at the
signe of the king of Denmark in St Catherines
aged 23 yeares or thereabouts sworne and examined.

To the first article hee saith hee well knoweth the shipp the John alias [?XXX]
and came from Campeche in the [Raven Waspes] a Spanish vessell in
companie of the said shipp with purpose to saile together to the Canarie
Islands, and thereby knoweth that the said shipp John came laded with campecha
wood and chests of Cochenille from Campecha aforesaid, and that coming
into the Gulfe of fflorida, they were parted by contrary winde and
stresse of weather, and afterwards the said shipp the Wespes
ariving at Garachico, this deponent and the rest of her company were
informed that the said shipp Saint John was arived at Santa Cruze about
foure dayes before such arivall of the Raven Waspes at Garachico
but how the campecha wood bought in her to Santa Cruze, was there
disposed of, or into whose shipp or shipps or warehouses it was [?put],
hee saith hee knoweth not, for hee was never at Santa Cruze nor knoweth
the shipp the Liesde arlate as hee saith. And further hee cannot depose.

To the second article hee saith that the Campecha wood and Cochenille
which were soe brought in the shipp John were there laden by
Spaniards and subiects of the king of Spaine, and that Campecha
is in his dominion in the West India's, and that the said wood was laded out of [?some]
Spanish warehouses for such par thereof as was old
cut, but what was new cut, was laded next wayes as it was brought
downe out of the Countrie to the sea side, which hee knoweth
because hee was present and saw it soe laded aboard the John
which was thense bound for Santa Cruse aforesaid, and otherwise hee
cannot depose.

To the third article hee saith hee cannot depose otherwise than as
aforesaid, not having ever bin at Santa Cruse, nor knowing either the
said shipp Love, or the arlate Giles Masellis or John [?harmens]

To the fourth article hee saith that somwhat before Christmas last
a certaine private man of warr called the Catherin or Kate sailing
by virtue of a Commission from the authoritie of this Commonwealth
having taken a Spanish prize before the towne of Campecha
and manned her, and set her course for Jamaica, and being in
her course for Jamaica, and the Spaniards in that towne having
notice thereof by prisoners that were set ashore, they forthwith set
out the said shipp the John under the command of a Spaniard,
who with his companie tooke and seized the said prize and three days after tooke the said
private man of war, commanded by henrie [?Valleman] an Englishman
having Commission from Jamaica by authoritie of this Commonwealth
and carried them to Campecha, and made them prize, and [?XXX]
possessed themselves of the said Spanish prizes lading, being [?cacoa], and
deprived the English thereof, all which hee knoweth being first of the
companie of the said English man of warr, and thense put into the said [?XXX]
[?help] [?man] her, and being in her when shee was forced ashore and [?XXX
the said prize John, commanded by the said Spaniard.
