HCA 13/72 f.607r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/72 |
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2016/03/29 |
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The 24th of September 1658. [CENTRE HEADING]
The claime of Philip van hulten}
Merchant of Amsterdam for the shipp Love alias}
Liesda (Gerrat Grabb master). Smith. Budd.}
Examined upon an allegation on behalfe
of the said Claimer.
Gerrat Grabb of Amsterdam Mariner, master
of the said shipp the Love aged 26 yeares or
thereabouts sworne and examined.
To the first second and third articles hee saith hee well knoweth the producent
Phillip van hulten and hath soe donne for three or foure yeares last. and
saith hee the said Phillip for these twelve monethes last or thereabouts hath bin
and is the true and lawfull owner of the said shipp the liesde or love and her tackle and furniture and
for such commonly accounted, which hee knoweth being by the said Phillip as owner
constituted master of the said vessell, and seeing the said Phillip advance the
money for her fitting and setting out. And saith that about eight monethes
since the said Phillip set out and employed the said shipp under the conduct of
this deponent on a voyage from Amsterdam for Cadiz with a cargo of
North deales and Pipe staves for his owne account, and the said goods
being there disposed, this deponent by his order was there to seeke a
convenient freight for the said shipps imployment, and that accordingly
arriving and delivering the said goods at Cadiz, this deponent tooke a
freight for Santa Cruse, where hee was againe freighted to carry a cago
of Campecha wood for Amsterdam, and being in her course of proceeding
with the said wood for Amsterdam, shee was neere Dover taken by onne of
the frigots of this Commonwealth (Richard Rosse commander) and carried into
the Downes and was thence sent into the River of Thames, which her taking
was on the 31th (new stile) of August last. and that shee is now remaining
in the River of Thames neere Saint Catherines.
To the fourth hee saith the said Phillip van Hulten is an Amsterdamer
by birth, and there dwells and keepes house and familie and hath soe
donne for three or foure yeares last of the sight and knowledge of this deponent
aho hath bin often there at his house, and was and is a subiect of the
States of the United Netherlands.
To the Interrogatories. [CENTRE HEADING]
To the first hee saith that Peter Poulson of Amsterdam was master of
the said shipp next before this deponent, who knoweth not that there is
any other owner thereof saving the said van Hulten, and otherwise referreth
himselfe to his foregoing deposition.
To the second hee was not present nor knoweth of whom, when or where
the said Van Hulten bought the said shipp or what hee paid for her, and
otherwise hee cannot answer saving as aforesaid.
To the third hee saith there is noe other master of the said shipp but his deponent
nor was soe at the time of her seizure, at which time there were eight
men besides this deponent and a boy belonging to and of her company, and
that none pof them are fflandrians, but all Hollanders save one who was
an Hamburger.
The same day. [CENTRE HEADING
Examined upon the said allegation.
Derrick Everson of Schagen in Holland mariner Stiersman of
the said shipp aged 28 yeares or thereabouts.
Philip Van Hulten
- Merchant of Amsterdam
See The claime of Marcello Vander Goos and Phillip van hulten in the Hare in the ffeild[1]
Charles Gabrij, merchant of Amsterdam, deposed in February 1656 that "hee well knoweth the producent Philip van Hulten and hath soe donne from the time of his birth of the said Phillip who was borne at Amsterdam and hath dwelt there all this time (saving when hee was abroad upon occasion of studies and travail) and that the said Phillip was and is an inhabitant and free man of the said citie of Amsterdam, dwelling there on the Lady Gracht and a subject of the Lords the States of the United Netherlands and for such commonly accompted and reputed, and was and is a merchant of good accompt, which hee knoweth because hee this deponent is alsoe a ffreeman of and dweller of Amsterdam and hath soe bin for these thirtie yeares last or thereabouts, and there well knew and was acquainted with the said producent and further and hath alsoe good acquaintance with the said producent himselfe."[2]
Abraham de Bald, merchant of London, deposed in February 1656 that "hee well knoweth the producent Phillip van Hulten and hee hath donne for these five yeares last or thereabouts this deponent for all that time and (untill about eleavene moneths since hee came to live in London) dwelling in Amsterdam where he was borne and where he had acquaintance and dealing with the said Phillip in the way of merchandize, and saith the said Phillip then dwelt (and as hee believeth still dwelleth) on the Lady Gracht in Amsterdam, in the house where his father (whom this deponent alsoe well knowe dwelt before hin, and further that for said producent was and is a merchant of good account and an inhabitant and free citizen of Amsterdam (where this deponent beleeveth hee was borne) and a subject of the Lords the States of the United Netherlands, and for such commonly accompted"[3]
See claims of various people for goods on the Saint Mary alias Santa Maria (March 1659)
- "the arlate Phillip van hulten (whom hee well knoweth) is commonly reputed the freighter of the said shipp, and to have taken her for the voyage arlate to freight of and from the said master"[4]
- Robert Demetrius deposed in July 1659 touching goods in the Santa Maria, saying "the last past master James Stanier of London merchant (with home this Deponent liveth in the quality of booke keeper) did reeive letter from Mr Phillip Van hulten of Amsterdam Merchants, wherein the said Phillip Van Hulten adviseth the said Mr Stanier, that hee hath given order to his ffreinds at Marsellis for the ffreighting of a ship, to take on board all the goods that are or shalbe unladen out of the ship the Santa Maria at Tollon and to bring the same to Amsterdam, but by the way to touch at Cadiz in Spaine, there to dispose of a parcell of Cacoa part of the said Lading, And this Deponent this Day hath seene and perused the said Letter, which Letter beareth Date 25th July 1659: new stile"[5]
Dutch Wikipedia entry: Philip Van Hulten (1627-1692)
Extract: "Philip van Hulten of Philipo van Hulten (1627-1692) was een koopman en een van de eerste directeuren van de Sociëteit van Suriname, actief vanaf 1680 tot 1689. Hij is aangezocht door Cornelis van Aerssen van Sommelsdijk mogelijk om de belangen te behartigen met het katholieke Spanje.
In 1683 richtte Van Hulten samen met Jacob Boreel, Joan Huydecoper van Maarsseveen (1625-1704), Gillis Sautijn en Willem Sautijn een compagnie van negotie en handel op, die een of meer suikermolens en een plantage zou inrichtine in Suriname. Van Aerssen zou in Suriname hun belangen behartigen. Van Hulten kwam in opspraak bij de verzending van ossen uit Ierland naar Suriname, verboden particuliere handel.
Over zijn benoeming was in 1686 veel te doen, omdat hij katholiek was en de Zeeuwen tegen "papen" waren. Waarschijnlijk is dat er in 1685 een toezegging is gedaan aan de Spaanse kroon voor het verkrijgen van het Asiento, dat er katholieke geestelijken zouden worden uitgezonden naar de plantages. Toen de twee priesters ziek werden en stierven zijn hun kisten naar de Staten van Zeeland retour gestuurd, die de merkwaardige zending weigerde. Van Hulten kreeg de opdracht de kisten terug te sturen naar Suriname.
Op 12 december 1689 werd Van Hulten niet toegelaten tot de vergadering van de Sociëteit. Het duurde tot 1696 voor de familie Van Aerssen weer een aantal directeuren kon aanstellen, waaronder Hermannus Amya en George Clifford.
Van Hulten woonde in Amsterdam op de Keizersgracht 268, genaamd de Gouden Ketting, een pand dat in 1998 bij een verbouwing is ingestort."