HCA 13/72 f.601r Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.601r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window



The third day of September 1658/ [CENTRE HEADING]

The Clayme of Peter Binnewysent Master of the}
shipp the Saint Lawrence and Subject of the Lords the}
States of the United Provinces for fifteene pipes}
of Canarie=wynes and for one Thousand five}
hundred Spanish Canes. Budd. ffrancklin/}

Examined upon an Allegation
exhibited on the part and
behalfe of the sayd Peter

dt. fra.


Lawrence Reynerson of Hoornehoorbe in Holland
Mariner Steeresman of the said shipp the Saint
Lawrence aged 30. yeares or thereabouts a Wittness
produced sworne and examined saieth as followeth t

To the first article of the said Allegation hee saieth, That in or about
the moneths of January ffebruary or March arlate in the yeare
1657. arlate (according to the old accompt used in this Nation) the said
Peter Binnewysent then and now Master of the said shipp the
Saint Lawrence (being then bound out with his said shipp upon a
Voiage to the Canaries, and to retourne from thence to this Port
of London with a Cargazon of wynes and other goods ) did therein lade and putt on board a consid
=erable quantitie of Bayes and Callicoes searges and other goods
which were in severall packs or bales, which he the sayd Peter
Binnewysent was Owner of, as this deponent verily beleeveth for that this
deponent well knoweth, That the said Master did dispose of the said
goods at the Canaries aforesaid, and did actually invest the proceed
thereof in the wynes and goods now by him claimed, as this deponent in
the quality aforesaid calling particular notice of the lading of the said
now Claimed goods did observe And further to this article he saieth hee
cannot depose/

To the second he saieth That in or about the moneth of ffebruary
or March in the yeare aforesaid, The said Master having soe
laden and putt the goods predeposed on board his said shipp the
River of Oratava arlate in or about the moneth of Aprill
next ensueing, As this deponent well knoweth and remembreth being in
all the said Voiage Steeresman of and in the said shipp the Saint
Lawrence, And further to this article hee saieth he cannot depose/

To the third article he saieth, That the said Peter BBinnewysent upon
his arrivall at Oratava with his said shipp and the goods aforesaid
did with the proceed thereof there buy and provide for his owne accompt
fifteene pipes of Canarie wynes, and about two Thousand five
hundred Spanish Reeds or Canes, and did cause the same to be