HCA 13/72 f.577v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/72 |
Folio | 577 |
Side | Verso |
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Uploaded image; transcribed 15/02/2018 | |
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IMAGE: IMG_121_11_5483.JPG | |
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Dominic Webb | |
First transcribed | |
2018/02/15 |
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same for Europe; The promisses he so thought to be true, for that he
this deponent was in and upon the said Voiage imployed by the said
freighte as Steward of the said shipp. And further to this [?he saieth]
he deposeth not
To the third he saieth, That in the said moneth of ffebruary 1656
English style the said shipp the Frederick sett saile from the [?poss. Countrie]
under the Command and Conduct of the said Captaine Stanton and
Companies, being bound for Bantam, and in July next following the
said shipp came within sight of the land of Java in the East Indies, which hee
knoweth, for that he this deponent was as aforesaid steward of this said
shipp in the said voiage, And further cannot depose to this Interrogatorie.
To the fouerth and fifth Interrogatorie he saieth, That upon the
coming of the said shipp the ffrederick nere Java aforesaid, and
whilst she was in her intended Course for Bantam in the
straight of [?Sunsa] about fiftie Leagues from Bantam two Dutch
shipps of warre being in the service of the Dutch East Indian
Company, did hale the said shipp ffrederick and demanded where
the same was bound, whereunto answer was made by the said
Captaine Stanton, that she was bound for Bantam, and was an
English shipp belonging unto Englishmen Subjects of this Common-
wealth, or to that effect, as this deponent heard and [??]
As also this deponent and afterwards was credibly informed by
the said Dutch shipps companies or some of them, that these said shipps
were imployed by and in the immediate service of the said dutch
East India Companie, and that expressely, as they saidd, to
hinder the English fro trading to or at Bantam; and to [?take]
such English shipps as should there trade, which he declareth, to
be a trueth publique and notorious, and for and as such path
affirmed and declared by the Commander and Companie of the
said Dutch shipps in the hearing and conversation of this
and others the Office and Companies of the [smudged - same?] shipp the
ffrederick. And further he saieth not to these Interrogatories
saving that one of the said Dutch shipps was called the Cony
and commanded by one Captaine [?Sciame], and the other shipp was
called the Soutland commanded by one Captaine Afose, as this deponent
likewise heard and understood by the like credible relation.
To the 6th and 7th Interrogatories he saieth; that immediately upon
said Captaine Stanton's predeposed answer, th eCommander of ye
said Dutch shipps or some of them did audibly and intelligibly [?in]
this deponents hearing, tell the said Captaine, That he must not goe
into Bantam, and recommended him to come on board them to [blurred]
he answerede that he could not come out of or leave his said shipp
or to that effect, whereupon the said Dutch Captaine did
[seXally] manne their severall sipps boates and did come on
board the said shipp frederick, and being so come on board