HCA 13/72 f.571v Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.571v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


the shipp called the Dromedarie then lyeing with the rest of the said
Dutch shipps neere unto the ffrederick and having the ffrederick
under there Command, and that the interrate Mr Robert Skinner
who went Supra Cargo of the said shipp the ffrederick and of
another English shipp called the Francis and John then in Company
of the said shipp Frederick and Did then goe from the said shipp the
ffrederick to the said Dutch Admirall or Generall of the said Dutch
shipps, and carried with him a certificate which was drawne
up by order of this Deponent and was signed by him
and by all his companies and by the said Robert Skinner, wherein
and whereby it was certified that they had putt all the said
powder and musketts
into the said boate, and that they had noe more powder or musketts [?arms]
or ammunition on board the said shipp (saving the said shipps
proper and necessarie store) then such at they had putt into the said
boate, and that the said Mr Skinner was then to acquaint the said
Dutch Admirall, That it was by this Deponent and Companies desired
that he would pleas to receive the said into his Custody untill
such time at the said shipp Frederick should return from Bantan
and accordingly the said Mr Skinner went on board the said
Dutch Admirall, and as this Deponent verily believeth )did present
the said Certificate, and desire at abovesaid, but that the said
Dutch Admirall did refuse to accept of the said offer forbidding
the said to come neere unto his said shipp, whereupon according
to this Deponent's order, the said musketts and powder were by some of
this deponent companie throwne into the Sea And further to this
Interrogatory he deposeth not/

To the 16th [XuteXXX] hee saithe, That after the said Robert
Skinner had gone aboard the said Dutch Admirall to the intent
aforesaid, he did in this Deponents sight offer to goe into his boate and
therewith to returne on board the said shipp Frederick, but was by
the said Admirall and Companies' refused and not permitted to goe out
of the said shipp, and was there seized upon by force and detained
and kept a prisoner and was carried a prisoner upon the shipp
Malaga to Batavia, shee being on of the shipps of the said fleet
commannded by Captains John de Witt, and was there imprisoned
in the Castle of Batavia, where he was detained and imprisoned from
the said time untill the seventh of December kept ensuing, at
which time he was sent on board the said shipp Malaga with
a Musketeer to guard him and deliver him on board the said
shipp to be therein carried a prisoner to Amsterdam, in which
shipp he remained a prisoner untill the Last of Aprill 1657. When
he was dismissed and sett as libertie by the Dutch Commander John
[?Cunaeus] at the Island of Saint Helena; And this examinate further
saithe, That at this Deponent has credibly heard and verily beleeveth
the said Robert Skinner during such his imprisonment was very
