HCA 13/72 f.528v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/72 |
Folio | 528 |
Side | Verso |
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IMAGE: IMG_121_11_5385.JPG | |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2015/12/02 |
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To the 8th hee saith that after such tyme as the Interrogate John
Kingsman had liberty to goe abroad out of the Castle yet hee had
two souldiers with their musketts continually attending upon him while
this deponent stayed at Battavia one whereof at least could speake and
understand English who attended him wheresoever hee went and would [?XXX]
permitt him to have conference with any body but in their presence and hearing
this hee knoweth for that hee was severall tymes (in the space of three moneths
while hee stayed at Battavia) in company of the sayd Kingsman and had
conference with him the said souldiers being allwaies present and did
observe that when others came to speake with they were allwaies him the sayd Kingsman or the sayd [?XXXX] they were alwaies present
to observe what discourse passed And further hee cannot depose of
certayne knowledge for that hee went away from Batavia before the sayd
Kingsman was put aboard any of the ducth shipps./
To the 9th Interrogatorie hee saith the sayd Kingsman while this
deponent soe stayed at Batavia and only twelve fflemish dollers per [?XXX] (which
are at Battavia fower shillings a peece) allowed to sustaine him and
the sayd Corde and fower others who were prizoners with him which
was a very meane and scant allowance in regard victualls were there
at exceeding deere rates [?XXXX] being usually sold for a peece of eight
which is five shillings and all other provisions accordingly at exceeding
deere rates, This hee knoweth for that hee hath seene the sayd allowance
paid severall tymes and sent to the sayd Kingsman and was imployed by
the sayd Kingsman to sollicite the Generall to have the sayd allowance
augmented, but could not get any augmentation thereof and hath seene such rates paid for provisions And further
hee cannot depose./
To the last Interrogatorie hee saith that the shipp Postilion the tyme Interrogate
was in this deponents Judgment of the burthen of one hundred and
eighty tonne but hee this deponent being a Chirurgion by profession
hath noe great Judgment therein, And saith shee had then nyne peeces
of Ordnance And for the reason aforesayd hee cannot estimate
what she her tackle and furniture were then worth, And saith the quantities
of each particualr of her ladeing hee knoweth not but beleeveth that if they
had come safe to England every pennyworth of them would have
produced heere tenn pence sterling, but What to value the damage of the
sayd delboe Middleton Temms Britton Tayler and Syon, hee knoweth not
And hee saith that hee this deponent at the tyme of the seizure aforesayd
had on board the Postilion for his owne Accompt, fower [?Parcells] [?of]
white pepper, halfe a parcell of Gambogia a Phisicall drugg, and [?XXX]
a parcell of hawkesbill Turtle shell, and eight hundred of
Rattans or Lampoone Canes, which goods if they had safely arrived in
England were worth and would there have yeelded a hundred and sixty
pounds sterling at least And saith the sayd Kingsman and his company
of Mariners had pepper and other goods aboard the tyme aforesayd to a good
quantitie and value, but to what quantitie or value hee cannot depose
And further hee cannot answere./