HCA 13/72 f.503v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/72 |
Folio | 503 |
Side | Verso |
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IMAGE: IMG_121_11_5333.JPG | |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2013/08/23 |
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That it is a thing publique and notorious, That the Subjects
of the Lords the States of the united Provinces in the said
yeares 1657. and at the time of the Lading of the said sugars
and goods on board the said shipp at the Bahia aforesaid
and for some yeares before and since, to witt since their subjugation
and expulsion in and out of the said parts of the Brazeele
had not nor have any trade, nor were or are suffered or permitted
to have any trade in any of the said parts of the Brazeele and
were and are in the Dominions of the said king of Portugall
or to Load or carry sugars or any other goods from thence, but at
and in the yeare aforesaid, and for some time before and since
there was and till this present is Warr and hostility between
the king of Portugall and the said Lords the States Generall
aforesaid and their Subjects at and in the parts of the Brazeele
aforesaid. And this deponent saith, That of a certaine and indubitable
trueth, the Lords of the States Generall of the United Provinces
aforesaid or their Subjects or any of them had not nor have any
part in any of the said shipps Lading aforesaid, nor was any
of the same originally Laden for the accompt of them or any of
them, nor did or doe they or any of them challenge or pretend
any title to the same in point of propertie as the Originall
Laders, or originall Proprietors thereof, And as to the reasons
of this deponents assertion of the trueth of the premisses, hee referreth
himselfe to his deposition made to the precedent articles
wherein he hath declared his relation to the said shipp and
Lading, and to the parts and trading of and in the parts of
the Brazeele aforesaid. And further to this Article hee deposeth
To the eighth article hee saieth, That the said shipp the fortune
being as aforesaid under the Command and Conduct of him this
deponent and having received on board her her said lading of sugars
as aforesaid did therewith sett sayle from the Bahia to ffernambuco
and did from thence see sayle and went in Companie of a
certaine Portugall shipp called Nostra Seniora Da Rosario
Saint Consalvo (OR, Gonsalvo) (whereof one Nicholas Simons was Master) (whose (OR, which)
shipp was also Laden with sugars and Brazeele wood and
Tobacco's and bound for the port of Lisbone in Portugall), and
in her Course thitherwards and in or about the moneth of
November 1657, the said shipp the fortune with all her said
Lading of sugars togeather with the said shipp the Nostra
Seniora da Rosario Saint Consalvo and her Lading also were about
twenty or thirtie leagues from the Coast of Portugall mett