HCA 13/72 f.502r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/72 |
Folio | 502 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2013/08/28 |
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The 17th day of July 1658
The Brazeele Companie and others the)
subjects of the king of Portugall against)
a certaine shipp called the ffortune)
(whereof was master Cipriano Pachero)
and the tackle apparrell and furniture)
of the same, and against the Sugars and)
all other goods remaining aboard the said
shipp, in whose hand soever, and against)
all persons in generall. ffrancklin)
Examined on the part and behalfe
of the said Brazeele Company
and others the Subjects of the said
king upon an Allegation on their behalf exhibited
in the High Court of Admiraltie of England
Cipriano Pachao of Peniche
in the kingdome of Portugall
Mariner Late Master of the said
shipp the fortune, aged three and thirty
yeares or thereabouts a Wittnesse produced
sworne and examined saith as followeth
to witt -
To the first Article of the said Allegation hee saith, That hee this deponent
well knoweth, that in the yeares 1655. 1656. and 1657. arlate and
in the severall moneths of the said respective yeares there
was and is a certaine Companie of Merchants called and
knowne by the name of the Brazeele Companie, who were
and are all Subjects of the King of Portugall, and for and as
such generally reputed and knowne, who did and doe usually
reside and live in and about Lisbone and other parts thereunto
adjacent, or within the territories belonging to the said kingdome
of Portugall, and were and are a Companie constituted and
authorized by priviledge and authority of the now
king of Portugall, or of the Late deceased king of Portugall his
predecessor, and thereby impowered to trade to and from the
Brazeele for sugars and other merchandises, which Companie
hath for many yeares past and especially in the yeares abovesaid
and in the moneths therein respectively concurring and since
exercised used and driven, and at the present doe exercise use
and drive a great trade from Lisbone to Brazeele and from
Brazeele to Lisbone and other the dominions of the king of
Portugall for sugars and other Merchandises, and to that end
and purpose for all the time aforesaid had and have their factors
and Agents resident at the Bahia ffernambuco and other parts
in Brazeele, And the reason of this deponents knowledge of the
premisses is, as hee saieth, for that hee this deponent is a
Portugueze by birth and habitation, and hath for all the
time aforesaid constantly related to the said Companie and trade
and beene thereby and therein employed as master and
Commander of a shipp or shipps trading to goe from the
places aforesaid upon the account of the said Companie and other Subjects of Portugall and
is thereby well and sufficiently assured of the trueth of the