HCA 13/72 f.496v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/72 |
Folio | 496 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2013/09/23 |
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The premisses hee deposeth being acquainted with and privie
to the dispatches and orders given and made by the said compan[ie]
touching the said shipp and voyage, and entring them in a booke
kept for such purpose And further hee deposeth not./
John Harbert./ [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]
The 20th of August 1658.
Examined upon the foresaid allegation.
Thomas Bowdler of Shadwell in the County of Middlesex
Marchant, aged 35 yeeres or thereabouts sworne and
To the second article of the said allegation hee saith and deposeth
that in the yeare 1656 the Governour and Company of the
English East India Company had in their merchandizing
affaires and imployment in the parts of East India a certaine
shipp named the Endimion whereof Gervase Couchman
was Commander from which shipp or the Captaine or company
thereof or any of them there was not any the least offered
or iniury offered to the dutch shipps that were in those parts
or to any of them, or their Captaines or company, or any of them
which hee knoweth for that hee was Purser of her and went
the voyage in her from place to place.
To the third article hee saith that the premisses not withstanding
the said shipp the Endimion in her voyage from England for
Bantam comming in the moneth of August of the said yeere 1656
into the Streight of Sunda, met with a single shipp appertaining
to the dutch, which sailed along with the Endimion till shee came
neere Pulla[?p]anjam, where fowre dutch vessells more were riding
which seeing her, alsoe weighed and comming neare her, told her
Captaine that hee must speake with their Admirall, who hee saitth
was rideing to the Eastward of Pullapanjam amongest his
fleete of eight saile more of shipps and many small sloopes
and pro[XX]s, which hee did, and came to an anchor neere the Admirall
and the next day the Admirall commanded her to anchor nearer to
his shipp, which was alsoe obeyed, all which hee knoweth being present and
hearing and seeing the premisses soe donne and commanded.
To the fourth article hee saith and deposeth that the said Captain
Couchman being indisposed, willed this deponent Purser of the said shipp
to goe aboard the Admirall and knowe the reason of such commanding [?her]
to and keeping them at an anchor, and this deponent accordingly goeing
aboard, the said Admirall or Commander named dierick Scoutten,
plainely told this deponent (after this deponents acquainting him with their
designe of merchandizing imployment for the English east India Company, and that [?XXX]
they were then bound and intended to goe into Bantam) that they should
not goe into Bantam Roade, whereupon this deponent desired leave to [?XXXX]
in their boate with a letter of advice of their arivall to the said English Compan[yes]
agent there, offering that the same boate should in [?such] going come
aboard him to be visited, but hee denied that alsoe, and told this deponent
that they should neither goe in with their shipp nor send in their boate