HCA 13/72 f.486r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/72 |
Folio | 486 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2015/12/02 |
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To the 9th. 10th. 11th. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16 and 17th hee doth not depose
To the 18th hee saith that during all the times aforesaid and when the
said shipp Endymion suffered the foresaid affronte and iniuries from the
dutch, shee wore the English colours, and well knowne to and noted
by the dutch to be an English vessell, and to be belonging to the
English East India company, and the said shipps that did the
said Iniuries and affront were all dutch shipps, of which the
Generall was named the Erasmus, and were in all when the
Endymion there first arived the said voyage fourteene innumber
or thereabouts, and when shee came back from Jambee they were
about seaven or eight shipps stronge, and were all in the
Imployment of the dutch or Netherland East India Company,
and when the Endymion arived soe first there the said voyage
the said fleete of dutch shipps were uner the Command of
Generall Schouten, and when shee soe came back from Jambee
they were under the command of General Lilly both dutch men and
in the service and imployment of the said dutch East India Company.
To the 19th hee saith that the dammage befallen the said English
East India Company by reason of the said wrongs and interuption
from the dutch donne to the Endymion, must [?XXX] as ee saith
amount to many thousand pounds, byt hee cannot estimate the
particular summe. And otherwise hee cannot depose.
To the last hee saith his foregoing deposition was and is true.
John Harrard. [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]
Repeated before doctopr Godolphin.
The fourteenth of November 1657
Examined upon the foresaid allegation
Jonathan Lee of Ratcliff in the County of Middlesex
Mariner, aged 36 yeares ir
thereabout, sworne and examined.
To the first hee saith and deposeth that for all the monethes
in the yeares 1655. 1656. and 1657 arlate and Longer, namely for
theise twelve yeares last past of his sight and knowledge The
Governpour and company of English Merchants trading to East India
hee used to send their shipps and servants and officers in trading
imployment to Bantam and other parts and places of the East India's
and have for all the said time had and have at present factories at
Bantam, Maccassar, Surat, Jambee, and other parts of the said
Indias and places thereabouts, and kept and jeepe severall officers
and servants to manage and prosecute their commerce there, and
thence to send for England the goods, wares and merchandizes of the
growth, manufacture and vent of that countrey and those places