HCA 13/72 f.461r Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.461r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


and this deponent well remembreth that the sayd reputed Boatswaine
speaking to the sayd Mate of the Pilgrim sayd this or the like in
effect videlicet You know Mate that was found fault with those casks
(meaning the oyle caske which was to bee viewed) when they were
first laden aboard the shipp and sayd that some of them were
insufficient And further to
this article hee cannot depose not being aboard (soe farr as hee now remembreth)
when the Exeter Merchant fell fowle of the Pilgrim./

To the 5th hee cannot depose saving hee saith that there are divers
Coopers live neere the place where the Pilgrim lay, when the pretended
dammage in question happened soe that hee beleeveth sufficient caske
might have bin procured to preserve what oyle had leaked out
by reason of the Exeter Merchants falling fowle of the Pilgrim if
any did which hee knoweth not/

To the last hee saith his foregoeing deposition is true/

To the Interrogatories [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first Interrogatorie hee saith hee cometh to testifie the
truth being soe required by Mr hatton one of the producents And saith
hee was Cheife mate of the Exeter Merchant the tyme Interrogate and
hath receaved all his wages save fifteene or twenty shillings which
is stopped by the Master of the Exeter Merchant for Tobaccoes that were
wither lost or dammaged in the Exeter Merchant And to the rest of
the Interrogatorie hee answereth negatively./

To the 2 saving his foregoeing deposition hee cannot answere/

To the last hee saith hee was not aboard the tyme Interrogated and therefore
cannot answere/

Thomas Perkins [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The 27th day of August .1658:

His Highnesse the Lord Protector against a)
certaine Fly boate named (as it is said) the)
Saint John of Amsterdam, Peter Johnson alias)
[BLANK IN MANUSCRIPT] Master in reference to)
certaine goods in the shipp lately taken by)
the dartmouth frigatt named (as it is said)
the Love whereof Garrard [?Cr]abb is Master)

Examined upon Interrogatories
ministred on the behalfe of his
Highnesse the Lord Protector.

dt. Rowe et p ?Dept./

Henry Hendricksen of Meppin in the Jurisdiction
of Munster in Germania Mariner aged 22. yeares or
thereabouts a Wittnesse [?sworne] and examined saieth
as followeth, to witt

To the first Interrogatorie hee saieth, That hee this examinate hath lately
to witt in or about the moneth of december last past been at
and in the West Indies in the Bay of Campechia there in and
on board the shipp or Vessell the Saint Katharine otherwise the Kate
interrate, whereof the interrate henry Valeure was Captaine and
Commander under the Governement of Jamaica on the behalfe