HCA 13/72 f.448r Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.448r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


said producents wife (amongst other things) about the voyage
of the ffrancis ketch wherein the said John hunt was, and the
said hunts wife demanding of him why the said ketch or
vessell staid out soe long, after the time that shee was expected
to retourne to London, the said Taswell made answer and said
that the lading of herrings which they (speaking of and
meaning himselfe and company owners or freighters of the
said vessell) first intended to have laded aboard
her in Ireland were not readie upon her comming into Ireland
or while shee was there, and that therefore they had sent order
to their factor in Ireland to lade her with wooll and leather for their account to
be thence transported to and delivered in ffrance, and had sent
instructions accordingly to harry M[?arvin] her master to saile her
for ffrance and that they had sent to their
Marchant in ffrance to provide her ladeing of brandy there readie
against her coming that soe shee might not be long detained and to lade the same aboard her for England
after receipt of the said wooll and leather or words to the very
same effect, in the presence and hearing of this deponent who
then lodged in the said house, and was drinking a cup of
beare with the said mr Taswell, while the said discourse passed.
And further hee doth not depose.

To the Interrogatories. [CENTRE HEADING]


To the first hee saith hee cometh required by the said
John hunts said wife to be a witnes in this cause, and that hee
hath not received nor expecteth to receive ought for the same, and
otherwise negatively.

To the second hee saith hee well knoweth the said John hunt, and further
hee cannot answer, not being in the voyage nor knowing ought of the
mariners thereof otherwise than as aforesaid.

To the third hee saith that the said acknowledgement of the said Taswell concerning
the said ketches being ordered to goe from Ireland for ffrance as aforesaid,
was in an upper roome of the said hunts house, none other being present
but the said Tasswell, and this respondent and the said hunts wife, the said
Taswell (as this deponent understood) comming thence to receive money of the
said hunts wife for beer which hee (having lately before livd in the said house)
had left there.

Repeated before doctor Godolphin.

Thomas floyd [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


Bland and others and Bathurst and others against Woodfin}
[GUTTER XXX] and others Smith Suckley/}

Examined on an allegation given in the 28th of
July 1658 on behalfe of the sayd Bland and others/


Marke Cronzy of Wapping Shippwright aged
27 yeares or thereabouts a wittnesse sworne
and examined saith and deposeth as
followeth videlicet:/: