HCA 13/72 f.414r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/72 |
Folio | 414 |
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Uploaded image; transcribed on 08/11/2013 | |
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IMAGE: IMG_121_11_5153.JPG | |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2013/11/08 |
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To the first article hee saith hee was a Comon Mariner in the shipp
Anne Pearcye the voyage in question And thereby knoweth that the arlate
daniell ffayrefax and Isaack Le Gay and Company were the moneths
and tyme arlate in the yeare 1656 commonly reputed the lawfull Owners
and Proprietors of the shipp aforesayd and of her tackle Apparrell and
furniture And that the arlate Thomas dethick Richard Browne
and Company were the tyme aforesayd Comonly reputed
the lawfull Owners and Proprietors of the ladeing and Merchandizes
aboard the sayd shipp And further cannot depose/
To the 2 article hee saith that upon or about the fifteenth of March one thousand sixe hundred fifty sixe the
arlate R[?oe] Morrice with his shipp the Saint Antonio arlate and three other
Spanish shipps in his Company, sett upon the Anne Pearcy in
a hostile manner and fought with her, and in the fight burnt
sunke and destroyed her and her ladeing to the great preiudice of the Owners
of her and her laders who were by that meanes deprived thereof, And in the
sayd fight and while they were swimming up and downe after the sayd shipp
Anne Pearcye was fyred, killed and destroyed thirty or thereabouts of her Company,
And tooke the Master of her and this deponent and his precontest John
Gilman and some others who were left alive prizoners, and kept them with
very hard and cruell usage in prison for a long tyme And saith those
premisses happened as the Anne Pearcey was on a trading voyage
neere Pantalon[?a] arlate betweene Ligorne and Smyrna, and bound
with her ladeing for Smyrna And further hee cannot depose/
To the 3 hee saith that the Saint Antonio had aboard her the tyme
arlate (beside the arlate R[?oe] Morrice their Commander) three an
twenty dutch mariners all of them (as alsoe the sayd R[?oe] Morrice)
being subiects of the United Netherland Provinces and Inhabitants
there as hee heard the sayd R[?oe] Morrice and divers of his Company who
could and did speake English saye and affirme in discourse while this
deponent was a prizoner aboard the Saint Antonio./
To the 4th 5th and 6th articles hee saith That while hee was a prisoner
aboard the Saint Antonio hee heard divers of the Company of the Saint Antonio
upon occasion of discourse saye and acknowledge that their sayd shipp was in
the yeare 1656 built at Amsterdam by order and for Accompt of Spaniards
and that shee being finished the sayd R[?oe] Morrice and twenty five
dutch mariners and two or three Spaniards who were sent from
Spaine to fetch her and take possession of her sett syle with her from
Amsterdam under vonvoy of the arlate Captaine Lapper a dutch Convoy and by the winde falling shorte put into Tor Bay arlate
where the Officers of this Commonwealth having gotten some notice
that the Saint Antonio was built for Account of Spaniards and
bound for Spaine caused her to be seized by two small English
ffrigotts and thereupon the sayd Lapper seeing her under seizure
came in and rescued her from the sayd two frigotts at or neere