HCA 13/72 f.412v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/72 |
Folio | 412 |
Side | Verso |
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IMAGE: IMG_121_11_5150.JPG | |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2013/11/11 |
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(having newly receaved him there out of a shipp that came from Guin[?ney]
to the sayd don Christovall the tyme aforesayd by the sayd T[?XXXX]
And further cannot answere saving hee sayd the sayd Negro and his cloathes
were at Teneriff of sufficient value to produce the two pipes of wine aforesayd/
To the 6th negatively well knowing the contrary for the
reasons aforesayd/
To the 7th hee sawe not the signeing the bills of ladeing Interrogate
and therefore cannot answere saving his foregeoing deposition/
To the last hee saith hee knoweth there is noe ensurance made
of the wynes in question./
To the Interrogatories on behalf of Clements [CENTRE HEADING]
To the first hee saith hee cometh to testifie the truth being soe
required by the producent And to the rest negatively./
To the 2 3: 4: 5th and 6th hee saith saving his foregoeing
deposition hee cannot answere otherwise than negatively/
To the 7th and 8th hee cannot answere having not heard nor seene
any such Sentence as is Interrogate nor knowing ought touching
the matters Interrogated./
To the 9th hee cannot answere knowing nothing thereof/
To the 10th hee saith hee knoweth neither of the parties Interrogate
and therefore cannot answere to this Interrogatorie./
To the last hee saith hee favoureth all parties in this suite
alike and desyreth right may prevaile And to the rest
Repeated in Court before both Judges/
The 7th of August 1658/
A businesse of examination of wittnesses on behalfe}
of daniell ffayrefaxe and Isaack Le Gay and}
Company Owners of the Shipp Anne Pearcie and}
of Thomas dethick Richard Browne and Company}
Owners of the goods in the sayd shipp burnt and}
destroyed by a shipp called the Saint Antonio}
whereof one Captaine Re[?e] Morrice a dutchman}
and subiect of the States of the United Provinces}
was Captaine and against the sayd Captaine}
Re[?e] Morrice and Captaine [BLANK IN MANUSCRIPT] Lapper}
in particular and all others in generall that}
pretend or take upon them to [?instifie] the sayd}
Action of destroying of the sayd shipp the}
Anne Pearcie and her ladeing: Smith}
Examination on an allegation on the
behalfe of the sayd daniell fayrefaxe
Isaack Le Gay and Company and
of the sayd Thomas dethick Richard
Browne and Company./
Rp. jus
John Gillman of Wapping in the
parish of Stepney and County of Middlesex
Shipp Carpenter aged 36 yeares
or thereabouts a wittnesse sworne
and examined saith and deposeth as
followeth videlicet.