HCA 13/72 f.410r Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.410r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The 4th day of August 1658/

Examined on the sayd allegation./


William Warren of London Merchant aged 21 yeares
or thereabouts a wittnesse sworne and examined saith
and deposeth as followeth videlicet

To the first article of the sayd allegation hee saith that in or about the
moneth of ffebruary 1657 (old style) the arlate don Christovall da
Alvorado did in the Roade of Oratava in the Isle of Teneriff one of the
Canarie Islands lade or cause to be laden aboard the Mary and Joyce two
pipes of Canarie wyne marked as in the Margent for Accompt
(as hee beleeveth) and with the goods and effects of the arlate John Woods
but consigned as by the bills of ladeing to Mr Arthur Ingram of
London Merchant, to be transported thence for London and there delivered
to the sayd Ingram This hee deposeth being Supracargo
of the sayd shipp and takeing accompt of all the wynes laden aboard
her and to the best of his remembrance filling up the bills of ladeing
for the sayd two pipes of wine marked as aforesayd, And saith hee
verily beleeveth the sayd John Woods at the tyme of such the ladeing
of the sayd two pipes of wyne was and is the true Owner and
Proprietor of them And further to this article cannot depose

To the 2 hee saith That after the sayd two pipes of wyne marked
as aforesayd were laden aboard the sayd shipp this deponent (to the
best of his now remembrance) filled up severall bills of ladeing all
of one tenor for the sayd two pipes (whether three bills or more hee remembreth
not) which bills as hee beleeveth were firmed by the arlate Phillipp
Stafford the Master of the sayd shipp And saith the sayd Alvarado
before the departure of the sayd shipp from Oratava sent or caused
some papers and dispatches to be brought a board the sayd shipp
touching (as hee beleeveth) the sayd two pipes of wine, which were delivered to this
deponent, but whether any of the bills of ladeing soe signed were
incloased therein hee knoweth not, which papers (upon seizure
of the sayd shipp and all her lading by two shipps of warr Com=
missionated by the King of Spaine for seizure of the shipps and goods
of the subiect sof this Commonwealth) were by the Captaines of
the sayd men of warr or their Companyes (amongst other papers
aboard her seized And further hee
cannot depose./

To the 3 hee saith hee verily beleeveth the two pipes of wine laden and
consigned as aforesayd were provided and laden out of the goods and
effects of the sayd Woods who as hee beleeveth (not knowing of any
Ensurance made of them) did and doth runne the sole risque of them And
further hee cannot depose/.