HCA 13/72 f.409r Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.409r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


Commonwealth of England Which Captaines and their Companyes
with their men of warr carried the Mary and Joyce after seizure with
the sayd two pipes of wine marked as aforesayd and all other her ladeing
on board her into the Groyne in Galicia and carried this deponent and
divers of his Company of the Mary and Joyce and the Supracargo of her
prizoners thither, where after some few dayes stay this deponent and
the Supracargoe and divers of the Company of the Mary and Joyce
gott passage thence, in a dutch shipp from Rotchell in ffrance and by that
meanes stayed not at the Groyne till the wynes predeposed of marjes
as aforesayd or any other the wines seized as aforesayd aboard
the Mary and Joyce were taken out of her and laded aboard the
Elizabeth arlate Yet saith hee beleeveth the two pipes of wine predeposed
of (or at least one of them) marked as aforesayd, togeather with other wynes
seized aboard the Mary and Joyce as aforesayd or the most of them
were afterwards taken out of the Mary and Joyce and laden aboard
the Elizabeth arlate, and shee with them soe laden aboard her seized
by some shipp in the service of the Commonwealtrh of England and
brought into the River of Thames for that after her seizure hee
this deponent being come from Rotchell to London saw lyeing in
the River of Thames a shipp called the Elizabeth and having
aboard her many pipes of Canarie wynes marked with the
very same markes as the wynes laden aboard the Mary and
Joyce at Oratavo were at their ladeing there marked with, and
among others one or two (hee remembreth not well
which) pipes of wines marked with the marke aforesayd videlicet


the marke in the marhent And verily beleeveth it or them to bee
the same wynes laden at Oratava aforesayd aboard the Mary
and Joyce by the sayd da Alvarado, for Accompt of the sayd Wood
and consigned to the sayd Ingram And further hee cannot depose/

To the last hee saith his foregoeing deposition is true/

To the Interrogatories on behalfe of the State [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first hee saith hee was Master of the Mary and Joyce the
voyage in question and is an Englishman borne at Limpston in
devonsheire and a subiect of this Commonwealth And to the rest

To the 2 saving his foregoeing deposition hee cannot answere

To the 3 hee saith hee was not present at the buying of the wynes Interrogate
nor sawe any money paid for them nor knoweth whether they were
bought for money or in exchange of goods And further saving
his foregeoing deposition cannot answere/
