HCA 13/72 f.403r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/72 |
Folio | 403 |
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IMAGE: IMG_121_11_5131.JPG | |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2013/12/18 |
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and with all her said lading carried to the Groi{n}ye in
Galisia arlate by the Captains and companies of the said two frigots
which were said to be of dunkirke or Ostend, one of the said
Captaines named Jacob Bolart, and the Captaine of the
other of the said frigots named John Van Sluce, which hee knoweth
being aboard at the time of the said seizure, and carried away in one
of the said frigots to the Groine in company of his said shipp the
Mary and Joice, and further saving as aforesaid hee deposeth not.
To the eighth article hee saith and deposeth that shortly after the said seizure
and bringing of the said shipp the Mary and Joice into the Groine,
with her said lading, the shipp the Elizabeth arlate (whereof Isaac
Michaelson was master) came into the said harbour and came to an anchor and
lay or rode neere the Mary and Joice, and further hee cannot depose
because that shortly after the Elizabeth comming in and before the transhipping
arlate of the wines out of the Mary and Joice into her, this deponent departed
and went thence
To the nineth and 10 hee cannot depose, saving his foregoeing deposition to which hee
referreth himselfe.
To the 11th hee saith hee hath knowne the producent William Warren from
his childhood, and was borne in the same parish neere the place of the said Williams birth in
devonshire, and thereby knoweth him to be an Englishman borne and for
such commonly accounted and a subiect of this Commonwealth, and to
have lived severall yeares in London.
To the last hee saith his foregoeing deposition is true.
To the Interrogatories ministred on behalfe of the Stae. [CENTRE HEADING]
Ti the first hee saith hee was master of the Mary and Joice as aforesaid, and
otherwise negatively, saving as aforesaid, and saving hee is a subiect of this
To the second and third hee saith the said william warren bought the said wines or
most part thereof (to this deponents remembrance) of don Simon da Her[?era]
and soe bought them (as this deponent beleeveth) in truck for other commodities
and moneys, but this deponent saw none of the money paid, and otherwise
saving his foregoeing deposition hee cannot answer.
To the fourth hee saith the said william warren being as aforesaid personally
at Oratavo, laded the said wines himselfe and caused them to be laded, and
otherwise negatively, saving as aforesaid.
To the fifth hee saith hee signed the said bills of lading predeposed aboard
the said shipp the Mary and Joice forth with after the lading of them, videlicet
within a weekes space after or there abouts to his remembrance.
To the 6th hee saith the bill of lading interrogated was and is reall and
true and made according to the truth and veritie of the matter, and
otherwise negatively.
To the 7th negatively.
To the last hee cannot answer, saving hee hath heard that there was
assurance made in this citie upon the said wines by mr Thomas warren
on behalfe of the claimers/
Phillip Staford [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]
To the Interrogatories ministred on the part and
behalfe of Nicholas Clemens. [CENTRE HEADING]
To the first hee saith hee cometh to be a witnes in this cause
Thomas Warren
William WarrenSources
Primary sources
PROB 11/336/473 Will of Thomas Warren of Saint Hallows Hackney, Middlesex. 20 July 1671
PROB 11/450/427 Will of William Warren, Merchant of London. 27 May 1699