HCA 13/72 f.393r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/72 |
Folio | 393 |
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IMAGE: IMG_121_11_5111.JPG | |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2013/11/28 |
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was master forty pipes or thereabouts of Canarie wyne marked (as hee remembreth) with the
severall markes specified in the margent of the allegation for
of Adrian Turin, to be transported
thence in the sayd shipp for London and there delivered to the sayd Adrian
Turin by which name as hee beleeveth is meant the sayd Robles,
which wines being soe laden hee saith the sayd Phillip Stafford
did signe bills of ladeing all of one tenor for the same, and sent
them or some of them ashoare to the sayd Symon da herrera Leyva
Abd saith the sayd herrera did before the departure of the sayd
shipp from Oratava send his letters and dispatches touching
the sayd voyage aboard the sayd shipp by this deponent (wherein
as hee beleeveth were one or more bills of ladeing touching the
sayd wynes) which letters and dispatches were by this deponent
carried in his Chest in the sayd shipp (this deponent goeing
Supracargo of the sayd shipp the voyage in question) and at such
tyme as the sayd shipp was by two Spanish men of warr seized
(as hereafter is expressed) the sayd papers and other writeings
in this deponents sayd chest were by the Commanders and companyes
of the sayd men of warr taken away from this deponent And saith
hee beleeveth that the other bills of ladeing were left in the hands
of the sayd herrera Leyva at the Islands of the Canaries,
to send with the first opportunitie of shipping which should offer
it selfe but whether hee have since had oportunitie to send
them to the arlate Antonio Rodrigues Robles hee knoweth not The
premisses hee deposeth being present at the Canaries at the ladeing
of the sayd wines and Supracargo of the sayd shipp and acquainted
in that voyage in question with the sayd herrera Leyva And further
hee cannot depose./
To the 8th hee saith forty pipes of wine or thereabouts
marked as aforesayd, were laden aboard the sayd shipp Mary and
Joyce at the Canaries by the arlate Symon da herrera Leyva
in manner before declared , consigned to Adrian Turner And
further to this article hee cannot depose./
To the 9th article of the sayd allegation and the letter therein mentioned hee saith that
hee was not privie to the writeing of the letter arlate nor is soe well
acquainted with the sayd Symon da herrera Leyva his hand writing as
to know whether the same letter be his hand or not, but beleeveth as
aforesayd that the arlate Antonio Rodrigues Robles did and doth make
use of the sayd fictitious name of Adrian Turner, and that by Adrian
Turin in the front of the sayd letter the sayd Robles is meant and intended And
further hee cannot depose./