HCA 13/72 f.368r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/72 |
Folio | 368 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2013/11/27 |
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The 24th day of June 1658/
The clayme of the sayd Thomas Warren for}
150 pipes of Canarie wines etcetera}
ffrancklin: Smith}
Examined on an allegation given in by the sayd Thomas
Rp. 2
William Warren of London Merchant aged twenty
one yeares or thereabouts a wittnesse sworne and
examined saith and deposeth as followeth videlicet./
To the first article of the sayd allegation hee saith that hee well knoweth the
arlate Thomas Warren and that for all the tyme arlate and before and
since hee was and is a Merchant of London and hath and doth trade in the
way of Merchandizeing from London to the Canaries and other parts beyond
the seas for wines and other Commodities And for such a Merchant soe
tradeing is Comonly reputed./
To the 2: 3 and 4th articles of the sayd allegation hee saith that hee this
deponent went Supracargo of the shipp the Mary and Joyce arlate (whereof
the arlate Phillip Stafford was Master) the voyage in question on the
behalfe of the arlate Thomas Warren And thereby well knoweth that
the sayd Thomas Warren did cause to be laden aboard the sayd shipp the sayd
voyage for his owne Accompt woollen Cloath, Callicoes and other [?XXXX]
goods and Merchandizes to the value of three thousand five hundred
pounds sterling or thereabouts to be transported from this Port of London
to Tituan Salley Saphia Sainta Cruze and other ports beyond the Seas
and there to be disposed of for the sayd Thomas Warrens Accompt
who alsoe ordered this deponent as Supra cargo that the saud shipp
should from the sayd Ports with what effects hee this deponent should
have aboard of his the sayd Thomas Warrens be sayled to the
Canaries and there to take in wines or other goods according to this
deponents Judgment and which hee this deponent thought would yeild most
profitt, to be thence transported for Accompt of the sayd Thomas Warren
to this Port of London And hee saith that the sayd shipp having receaved
her sayd outward Cargoe aboard departed from this Port of London
therewith in or about the moneth of June July or August one thousand
sixe hundred fifty seaven (this deponent goeing in her Supracargo) and arrived
afterwards at the severall ports of Tittuan Sally Saphia and Santa
Cruse at which severall places part of her sayd outwards ladeing
put aboard her at London sold and disposed of by this deponent for
Accompt of the sayd Thomas Warren and the proceede thereof reinvested
in Gold, peeces of eight, and other Merchandizes to the value of five
or sixe thousand pouns sterling or thereabouts which being soe done
the sayd shipp with the sayd gold, peeces of eight and other merchandizes
and the residue of her outward ladeing undisposed of at the sayd places
and some other Merchandizes and money which this deponent caused
to be taken in at Saphia, and Santa Cruse, and which were alsoe effects of the sayd