HCA 13/72 f.336r Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.336r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


Alvarado and the sayd Painter which letters this deponent being then the sayd
Pages servant did by his sayd Masters order coppy out into the sayd Page
his booke and thereby knoweth that the sayd Painter was not the only factor
and assigne of the sayd Page for the sayd voyage in question And
further to this Interrogatorie hee cannot answere/

To the 2 Interrogatorie hee saith hee cannot answere for that hee went not the
vojage in question, and had left the service of the sayd Page before the
returne of the sayd Blake home upon the sayd voyage



The sayd Peter Browne to a second allegation
given in on the behalfe of the sayd Page./

Rp. [X]

To the 6th article of the sayd allegation hee saith as before hee hath deposed
that the sayd Page did at the goeing out of the sayd shipp Industrie the voyage in
question consigne to the arlate don Christovall da Alvarado either
twenty five or thirty tonnes (this deponent remembreth not well which) of
the tonnage that hee the sayd Page had in the sayd shipp the sayd don
Christovall da Alvarado which this deponent understandeth and coppied out, and alsoe at
the same tyme signified by his letters in English written to the sayd Painter
(which this deponent alsoe coppied) what tonnage in the sayd shipp hee
the sayd Page had consigned to the sayd Painter And further
saving his foregoeing deposition hee cannot depose./

To the rest of the articles of the sayd allegation hee is not examined
by direction of the producents proctor/.

Repeated before both Judges in Court



The 23th day of June 1658.

Warner against Watson and howe}
ffrancklin Suckley Smith}

Examined on an allegation given in on the behalfe of the
sayd Watson and howe./

Rp. 2

William Wood of Wapping in the parish of Saint Mary Matsellon
alias Whitechappell and County of Middlesex Merchant
aged forty nyne yeares or thereabouts a wittnesse
sworne and examined saith and deposeth as followeth videlicet

To the 9th article of the sayd allegation hee saith hee well knoweth the arlate
shipp the Alexander being at present one of the Owners of her, and saith
shee is (in this deponents Judgement and as hee verily beleeveth) a shipp of
three hundred tonnes or neere thereabouts, and as hee verily beleeveth will carrie three hundred tonnes of ffrench wines according to ffrench Tonnage
and in Corne or other the like close and snugge ladeing about three hundred
tonnes And further to this article hee cannot depose./

To the 10th article of the sayd allegation hee saith hee this deponent being
now an Owner of the sayd shipp Alexander hath since hee came to bee an Owner
of her lett her to freight (shee having now only Twenty gunnes) for eighty pounds
a moneth for tenn moneths certayne the freighters victualing her and paying mens wages And hath heard and beleeveth that the



William Wood


Primary sources



ADM 106/340/24 Sir William Warren, Sir John Shorter, William Wood and Gregory Haye, Timber Merchants, Wapping. They have hired the Black Cock, Captain Michael Pack, and the King Solomon, Commander Gabriel Morgen, to go to New England to import the masts that have been contracted for. They have protection for the seamen but the ships have been stopped by the Customs at Gravesend because of the general embargo. Asks for a warrant to enable them to sail and for a convoy out of the Soundings to protect them from any enemies. 1678 Nov 6


PROB 11/363/70 Will of William Wood, Merchant of Saint Martin Orgar, City of London 15 May 1680