HCA 13/72 f.325v Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.325v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the fourth hee saith hee knoweth Mr howlet, mr Cox, mr
Tucker and mr Scot interrogated, And otherwise hee cannot
answer saving as aforesaid it being two yeares since or thereabouts
and therefore the Dayes of the moneth of the severall dliverings out hee remembreth

To the fifth hee saith the said seaven tonnes soe left were not all
of one but of severall qualities, namely three pipes and a
hogshead of the best sort, five hogsheads of the blackest and
worst sort, and eight pipes of the middle sort, which hee
knoweth for the reasons aforesaid, And saith that Captaine
Thomas was [?once] at the Stillyard {key} whilest the said oiles
lay upon the key of this deponents sight, and the said Edmund
halley was then alsoe there, and there they spake together,
And otherwise hee cannot answer saving as aforesaid.

To the 6th hee saith hee this rendent went Cooper in the said
voyage, and agreed with the owners to take care of the oiles
after they came home, for the owners service, and after their
said landing this deponent as Cooper had the looking to them
and keeping of them in service of and subordination to the said
halley and the rest of the owners or imployers, and that the
said halley having the principall share, disposed of them as
aforesaid, and hee referreth him selfe to his foregoeing deposition, and
further cannot depose.

Repeated before Collonell Cock.

Alexander Baareffoott [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The fourth of May 1658.

A busines of examination of witnesses to perpetuall remembrance on the behalfe of John
[?Ray], William Cockroft, Joseph hammonds, and James drawater owners of the shipp
the Packet frigot (Edward harrison master) and her tackle, furniture and lading,
against or concerning the Golden dove (or Revenge) of fflushing Albert Cock

Examined upon an allegation given in on the
behalfe of the said [?Ray] and others.

Rp. 1

Edward Harrison of Redriff on the County of Surrie
Mariner, aged 40 yeares or thereabouts sworne and

To the first and second articles hee saith and deposeth that hee well
knoweth the producents John R[?o}y, William Cockroft, Joseph
hammond and James drawater, and saith they were in and for
all the monethes articulated in the yeere 1654 and before and after
the true and lawfull owners proprietors and freighters
of the shipp the Packet frigot (whereof this deponent
was master) and of her tackle and furniture, and also owners
of fourtie tonnes of the best Genua or sweet [?Lamspart] oile, one hundred
seaventie eight barrells of the best Genua Anchova's, one
bale of paper, three chests of Indico, one barrell of Rice,
a box or chest of sweet meates, some silkes and some other
small parcells of goods, and for such commonly accounted and
reputed, All which goods and merchandizes hee saith were
laded aboard the said shipp at Genua and ffinall neere
Cape [?Made] for the account proper of the said owners, to be



James Drawater

"James Drawater did at Amsterdam about eight monethes since take the shipp the Anne aforesaid to freight for a voyage to be made with her from Amsterdam for Cadiz, there to deliver such goods as the said freighter should lade or cause to be laded aboard her, and to receive such other goods as by his order should at Cadiz be provided and brought to be reladed aboard her for this port to w:ch shee was to retourne therewith" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))


Primary sources



C 5/37/36 Short title: Drawater v Mico. Plaintiffs: James Drawater. Defendants: Samuel Mico and another. Subject: money matters, London or Middlesex. Document type: bill, answer. 1661
C 5/410/123 Short title: Holworthy v Drawater. Plaintiffs: John Holworthy, Nicholas Holworthy and Katherine Holworthy. Defendants: James Drawater. Subject: personal estate of the deceased Edward Holworthy of London. Document type: bill, answer.1659
C 5/603/73 Short title: Drawater v Guilleford. Plaintiffs: James Drawater. Defendants: James Guilleford. Subject: money matters, Surrey. Document type: Bill only. 1661