HCA 13/72 f.319r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/72 |
Folio | 319 |
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2013/11/12 |
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The 17th day of June 1658/ [CENTRE HEADING]
henry Jolfe late Master or Comander of the hoyjgh the}
Thomas and Katherine of Rochester against Richard}
Cleeve and Company Owners and Proprietors of}
the sayd hoigh and against all others etcetera Thompson}
Examined on the libell given i on the behalfe
of the sayd Jolfe./
Rp. 1
See the answere to the
said in Quire: C: 10
Robert Burdin of Gillingham in the
County of Kent Baker aged fiftie yeares or
thereabouts a wittnesse sworne and examined
saith and deposeth as followeth videlicet./
To the first and second articles of the sayd allegation hee saith hee
well knoweth the hoigh or vessell called the Thomas and Katherine of
Rochestyer and saith that in the yeares and moneths arlate or some of
them the arlate Edward ffawnce whilst hee lived and the arlate Richard
Cleeve were (and the sayd Cleeve still is) commonly reputed to bee the
lawfull Owners and Proprietors of the sayd hoigh or vesselll And alsoe
knoweth that for some moneths happening within the tyme arlate (the certayne
tyme hee doth not remember but beleeveth for about halfe a yeare thereof)
the arlate henry Jolfe was Master of the sayd hoigh and had the charge
government and imployment thereof for the use and benefitt of the sayd
Owners And for Master therefore was Commonly accompted And hee
this deponent in the moneth of July last (the sayd Jolfe being then returned
home to Gillingham from a voyage hee had made with the sayd hoigh)
heard the sayd Edward ffawnce in presence of the sayd Jolfe and this
deponent and one William Reade of Gillingham who was one of the
Company of the sayd hoigh confesse and declare that the sayd heny
Jolfe was then, and had bin Master of the sayd hoigh by appointment
and order of him the sayd Edward ffawnce And that hee the sayd Edward
had bargained and agreed with the sayd Jolfe to allowe him the sayd Jolfe
twenty shillings a weeke to goe Master and Commander of the
sayd hoye for the ise and benefitt of him the sayd ffawne and other
the Owners of her And further to those articles hee cannot depose/
To the 3 and 4th articles of the sayd libell hee saith as is predeposed that
hee knoweth that the sayd Jolfe did take upon him the Mastershipp of the
sayd hoigh and went Master of her for the use of the sayd Owners for about
halfe a yeare happening within the tyme aforesayd, And as hee beleeveth
did performe his office faithfully and well, for that the sayd ffawn[XX]
told this deponent at the tyme predeposed when hee soe acknowledged what
weekely wages the sayd Jolfe was by agreement to have that hee the
sayd ffawn[ce] had in regard of the sayd Jolfes case in performance
of his sayd duty of Master, given him the sayd Jolfe a peece of Cotton to
make his children coates, which hee sayd hee gave him for his
care in his sayd imployment, over and above what should bee due to him
by the agreement aforesayd And further saving his foregoeing deposition
hee cannot depose./
Robert Burdin/Burden
"April 8 [????] Robert Burden of Gillingham, Kent, Baker, Widr, abt 55, & Dorothy Collett, of the Liberty of the Tower of London, Wid., abt 60; at St Matfellon alias Whitechapel, Midd."[1]
- CSG: Date of marriage ca. 1663
"[1664] The half hundred of Gillingham In the said Lath of Ayleford: Chargeable: Robert Burden 7 hearth"[2]
Item: Q/SB/12/14; Title: Correspondence; Description: From Henry Sheafe to Richard Head Esq. Concerns the irreconcilable differences between Robert Burden of Gillingham and his wife; the settlement reached between Burden and Abbott (Burden's wife's son); Date: 8 Apr 1673; Location: Kent History and Library Centre
Primary sources
C 6/20/89 Short title: Hutchinson v Burden. Plaintiffs: Jarvis Hutchinson . Defendants: Robert Burden and Dorothy Burden his wife. Subject: property in London . Document type: bill, answer. 1664
PROB 11/353/194 Will of Robert Burden, Baker of Gillingham, Kent. 13 February 1677- Jump up ↑ Allegations for marriage licences issued by the vicar-general of the Archbishop of Canterbury, vol.3 (Canterbury, 1892), p.76
- Jump up ↑ - Kent Hearth Tax Assessment Lady Day 1664: CKS: Q/RTh Transcribed and computerised by Duncan Harrington, viewed 04/12/13
- Jump up ↑ William A. Shaw (ed.), 'Entry Book: August 1677, 21-31', Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5: 1676-1679 (1911), pp. 735-740., viewed 04/12/13