HCA 13/72 f.314v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/72 |
Folio | 314 |
Side | Verso |
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IMAGE: IMG_121_11_4956.JPG | |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2013/11/23 |
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To the third article hee saith and deposeth that after the receipt
of the said goods aboard, namely within three or foure dayes after the
same, hee this deponent signed thre three respective bills of lading
(annexed and mentioned in this article) for the same, and saith the
contents of the said bills were and are true and soe had and donne
as therein is contained, and having soe firmed them hee left them
with the said factor Peter Pollart to be sent overland for Callice
to the said Merchants. And having now seene the copie of the
Charterpartie annexed, hee saith it is a true copie of the Charter
partie made betweene the said Pollart and this deponent at Rochell
for the freighting of the said shipp the said voyage, and that the
said Charterpartie was also left with the said factor to be sent
overland as aforesaid with the said bills of lading, And saith
that the contents of the said Charterpartie were and are alsoe
true and soe had and donne as therein is contained. And otherwise
hee cannot depose.
To the fourth article hee saith that after the premisses videlicet
after the lading the said wines aboard and signing the said bills
and making the Charterpartie, the said shipp departed from Saint
Martens with the said wines and bacon and prosecuted her
voyage for Callice to which place this deponent her master
intended directed to saile her, and deliver her said goods,
but the weather being mistie and very fowle, this deponent
and company mistooke and overshott their said port, and the
weather continueing stormie, this deponent finding that hee
had overshot his port, and was come neere fflushing, intended
to put into fflushing for shelter till the weather were fairer
and then to come thence and foe and deliver his goods
from aboard his said shipp at Callice, but comming to or beere the
[W?aeings] hee was met with by a shipp of this Commonwealth
commanded by Captaine Basket, and carried with his said
shipp to dover, and saith that at the time of the
said seizure all the said wines and bacon were aboard and
came to the possession of the said Captaine Basket and companie,
saving eight hogsheads of the said
wines (making two tonnes) and six flitches of the said bacon
which were before taken out by a Biskaner that had met the
said shipp in her voyage. And otherwise hee cannot depose. saving
hee knoweth the premisses being aboard and master of the said shipp at the time of that seizure
To the Interrogatories. [CCENTRE HEADING]
dt. Row.
To the first hee sauth that hee had bin belonging to and bin master
of the said shipp about fifteene weekes before her said seizure, and came
first into her at fflushing. And saith hee is a native of fflushing
and liveth there and soe hath done all his time, and hath noe part
or share in the goods claimed, nor hath hee any relation to the producent[?s GUTTER]
other than being freighted in their service as aforesaid. And otherwise
saving as aforesaid hee cannot answere