HCA 13/72 f.310v Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.310v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


her and sinke her that theenymye might not surprize her but the arlate
William Burt Martyn Coxeman Paule Bayley Thomas M[XXXX] John [XXXX GUTTER]
Mathew Kelme John Rowland Richard Andrews Jeremy head Robert P[XXX GUTTER]
Stephen Earle William Stoakes and divers others of the sayd shipps Company
whose names hee remembreth not, not regarding the Commands of the
sayd Captaine Browne betooke them selves to the Long boate which the
sayd Captaine seeing called out to them and desyred them to come on
board and helpe to destroy the shipp hercules either by fyreing or sinkeing
her that the enymie might not surprize and take her and that being done hee
and they would all goe ashoare togeather with the long boate and the other two smale
boates that belonged to the sayd shipp or hee spake words to that effect but the forenamed persons and the others
whose names hee remembreth not (which were soe gott in the the longe boate did
disobey his commands and quitted their station in the sayd shipp and
went away in the longe boate leaving the sayd Captaine and this
deponent and his contests Mathew Sherley and John ffitzh[?arper] and divers others
of the sayd shipps company videlicet the arlate William Spratlin and Robert
Marborow and Peter Thomas and divers others aboard the sayd shipp
whereupon the sayd Captaine and those left with him being deprived of
the long boate and having only two smale boates to escape in, durst not
fyre or sinke the shipp as they intended, for that there were more men
left aboard then those two boates could carry away, soe that if shee had
bin fyred or sunke those left aboard her (which were fower
videlicet the sayd Peter Thomas and One Corley the Cooke of the shipp and a
Swade and a dane whose names hee remembreth not) must of necessity
have perished and bin either burnt or drowned, by which meanes the sayd
Captaine was forced with those that were left with him to deserte the
sayd shipp and make to shoare hee and soe many as could passe to shore in
the sayd two boates, and leave the sayd fower persons aboard the shipp and
thereby the shipp was by the dutch seized who possessed them selves
of her and her Ordnance, and gott her off from ground and carried her
away with the fower men left in her to the great preiudice of this
state and to the strengthening of their owne fleete, which had not gone
away therewith, but the sayd Captaine might according to his
intention have either fired or sunke the sayd shipp and thereby
deprived the enymye of any benefitt of her and have escaped.
hee and all his Company safe to shoare in the sayd long boate and
the sayd two smale boates And further to those articles hee cannot

To the 9th hee saith the hercules the tyme arlate was of the
burthen of fower hundred and odd tonnes and had at least two
and thirty gunnes and the sayd shipp and her tacke furniture and
provisions (shee having bin newly victualed at Portsmouth) were then
worth in this deponents Judgment and estimate three thousand
pounds sterling at least And further hee cannot depose

To the last hee saith the hercules the tyme Interrogate served the